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HomeLocalMobile phone aid 419er grabs a bag of rice

Mobile phone aid 419er grabs a bag of rice

Mobile phone aid 419er grabs a bag of rice

Freetown, 12 June (SLENA): The missing of Abdulai’s mobile phone has caused problem for the Sesay family at Gendema village, three miles to Mile 91.

According to a source, Abdulai owned a mobile phone which contained phone numbers of his friends and relatives. Few days ago the phone got missing or stolen, the source alleged. The phone landed in the hands of someone said to be a 419er.

The source explained that the thief opened the phone book of Abdulai’s phone and searched through it and happened to pick out a particular number and called the owner.

One Lamrana Sesay in Freetown answered the caller and was told that her mother in the village had died and he the caller had been instructed to inform her.

Upon hearing the sad news, the source went on, Lamrana pleaded with the caller to meet her at home at Calaba Town, east end of the city.

“The man went to the house as directed and repeated the sad news,” Lamrana told SLENA.”The man said he was on his way back to the village,” she said, adding “We gave him a bag of rice, a piece of satin and a piece of lace to be used for the burial of our mother.” She said they had planned to travel the following day to attend their mother’s funeral.

“To our greatest dismay we found our mother hale and strong when we arrived in the village. She even prepared meal for us but there was no bag of rice or satin. The 419er had disappeared into thin air with the items,” she lamented.


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