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Yoni Community bank disburses loans to farmers

Yoni Community bank disburses loans to farmers

Mile, 11 June (SLENA): In order to alleviate the living standard of the people of Yoni chiefdom, the Yoni Community Bank at Mile 91 has disbursed huge sums of money as loans to rural farmers in the chiefdom.

The amount totaling sixty million Leones, was given farmers at Maworr Village and Kholifa Mabang, Tonkolili District.

Speaking to SLENA during the past week, the General Manager, Dauda S. Kamara said that the loan was meant to augment the dream of the President by promoting agricultural productivity especially in farming, stressing that the bank needs support in order to assist the farmers and the economically poor youths in the District.

The bank loan given to the people at Maworr was purely for their farming activities, saying that the loans would be repaid after a period of one year.

According to him, the bank has tried other communities before within the catchment area. “But Maworr are keeping sky high by not failing to repay their loans on time,” he added.


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