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HomeSportsPremier League Board provokes fan row

Premier League Board provokes fan row

Premier League Board provokes fan row

Before the first round of the Sierra Leone Premier League competition climaxes, the Premier League Board (PLB) Chairman, Victor Lewis (in photo) announced the 11th, of May as the date on which the second leg of the league will commence.

Fans were disappointed on visiting the National Stadium to have witnessed no match actions. The rains have begun pouring on the pitch and the elective congress is nearing in July, later this year which are reasons the fans are worried about the length of duration the game is being delayed.

Sierra Express Media Sports understand that the PLB is yet to secure sponsors for the second leg of the competition which has stalled the commencement of the game further.

One of the many crazy fans of the local clubs Mighty Blackpool, Mohamed Bah, a fanatic fan told SEM Sports that the board should fast-track its competence and seal a better sponsorship deal with interested bidders.

“Lots of companies are around this time to clinch the sponsorship of the second segment of the league and for the good of the game they should just work it up,” an Eastern Lions FC fan lamented.

Meanwhile, other football stakeholders have lashed at the back pedaling approach of the football handling body in the country calling for a possible intervention to be put in place.

A member of the PLB told this Press that the commencement of the 2nd round is on hold until something positive happens in the sponsorship package. However, he said the second leg will soon commence.

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