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HomeCommentaryFailing to prepare, is planning to fail!

Failing to prepare, is planning to fail!

Failing to prepare, is planning to fail!

The human resource of a nation forms the crux on which every other developmental plan takes off. In every nation in the world there must be substantial institutions that trimmed and mould the rough edges of its human resources. These institutions are highly responsible to train people of high substance to man the affairs of the country. These institutions are also responsible to nurture young and old people to become useful and innovative citizens of a country. But when those institutions fail to inject the right teachings and manners that are prerequisites for the human resource to be functionally viable in society, especially in spheres like moral, cultural, economical, social, civic responsibilities and honest political values that society is obviously bound to fail. (Photo: Fourah  Bay Colege)

Imagine Sierra Leone with a population statistics of approximately 6 million people but cannot feed, clothe, or offer improved medical facilities; who dare you talk about standard education for its people. It is something far off the grasp of the imagination. Some statistical reports have it that 85 percent of the Sierra Leonean populace is stark illiterates.

This is a big blow to the human resource of this country. Many governments past and present have made lofty promises about building credible learning institutions that would help fix the human resource right but none of these vague talks in their manifestoes have materialized so far.

When one goes in to retrospect and peruses the history pages of Sierra Leone, you would find out that all what politicians were engaged in was building flamboyant castles in the air. All the failures in this country are inextricably linked to the mediocre human resources that the country has acquired for the past decades.

Taking Fourah Bay College as a typical case study of one of the institutions that prunes the human resources is been contaminated with the backward disease in politics. Even the mini politics that is practiced up there to give students the opportunity to practice serene politics in order for them to become good leaders in society has also contacted the contagious disease of vindictive politics.

Fourah Bay College as a platform for change could not effect change nor has it make any precedents for change. Thus, Fourah Bay College as a microcosm of Sierra Leone of  failed country to prepare the human resources well; and therefore, it has also planned to fail in meeting its developmental goals.

It is a kind of vicious circle been transmitted from one generation to another, hence the syndrome of failing to prepare, is planning to fail is a watch word for the under development of Sierra Leone.

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