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NRA’s ASYCUDA Out this Week!

NRA’s ASYCUDA Out this Week!

Officials at the National Revenue Authority (NRA) have intimated to Sierra Express Media that the long awaited introduction of the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA), a computer software package that is used by Customs Administrations in processing documents that relate to export and import of goods; geared at modernizing the country’s tax system will this week come to fusion; eliminating the manual handling of tax processing documents.

The system according to the public affairs of the Revenue Authority will be used by the customs department and was developed by the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development, an organization that oversees foreign trade procedures using international best practices and handling accounting, shipment and suspense regimes.

According to officials ASYCUDA when introduced will ensure that there is speed and effectiveness in good clearance and giving accurate accounting of transaction therein.

Mohamed S Bamba, NRA Customs Commissioner

Mohamed S Bamba, NRA Customs Commissioner

Mohamed S. Bamba, Commissioner of Customs & Excise told Sierra Express Media that ASYCUDA is time effective as it reduces the time taken in clearing goods and also brings stability in the country’s revenue base.

Commissioner Samba said in an interview that the ASYCUDA system generates data used for statistical and mathematical analysis using international trade best practice.

Mr. Samba said “funding and technical advice for the project is coming from the United Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) geared at supporting the global trade facilitation by ensuring strength and effectiveness at all customs operational ports in the world,” he said. “With ASYCUDA in place, government will be privy to solid information that will help it do proper projections and forecasting using data generated by the project,” Sierra Express Media was informed.

He went on to say that the reason for the introduction of the ASYCUDA system into the operations of the National Revenue Authority is that the functions of the Customs Department are mechanized for the provision of prompt information, effective service delivery, and revenue collection.

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