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Is Margai afraid of the APC?

Is Margai afraid of the APC?

When the political table turned against Charles Francis Margai over the SLPP leadership in 2005, many people saw it as an unfair play against him as he deserved all rights to the SLPP leadership. Those who are staunch believers of his seeming uncompromising principle in politics advised him to form a political party which many came to see as a splinter of the then SLPP. It was as a result of his uncompromising stance that gave him edge to be re-elected in the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA) for two consecutive terms. Even those who were not in support of his political ideology for change had an avalanche of respect for him. (Photo: Charles Francis Margai)

In the midst of criticisms from the Sierra Leone People’ Party (SLPP) and the flimsy conviction among members that he is uncouth and ingrate he decided to form his own political party as an alternative to the already political quagmire in the country. Many disgruntled people who were members of the two main political parties in the country welcomed his dream for positive change as an idea to be reckoned with. Indeed throughout his practice as a legal practitioner, many Sierra Leoneans have seen him as an unblemished politician that would restore justice and good governance to despaired people of this Nation.

When tensions aroused in the second rounds of the 2007 Presidential and legislative elections, the once astute leader decided to throw his support to the APC which many of his supporters in the South-east saw as inconsistency in the Margai political bandwagon. Some of his supporters in the midst of political dilemmas withdrew their support from the party, while others decided to stay on the pretext that things would improve for the better.

The big question in the minds of watchful Sierra Leoneans, is that Margai being somebody who cannot be intimidated by his opponents; whether he is afraid of the  ruling APC? This question was prompted due to his tameness on issues in the governance of the country. Moreover, being that he is heading the third major party in the country, he is expected in no smaller terms to have made a statement in the bad governance that is taking the country to where it was. Another set back that has plunged the People’s Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC) party into the mud and which has also made both supporters and non-supporters to confirm that his party is dying factored by the hurried resignation of staunch members of the party.

It could be remembered that in recent times, many stalwarts have abandoned the party, some for obvious reasons; while others for reasons well known to them. The likes of Femi Abron.  and as of now it has been rumored that the party’s chairman has quite a few reasons being that Margai is afraid to make a statement against the bad governance practice by the APC. Many have seen the hasty betrothal of the PMDC to the APC as an act of cowardice and lack of a consistent political ideology practice by Charles Margai.

But for some Mr.Margai still remains a hero, had he been a coward of not articulating his political ideologies well; he would not have been in places like Zimmi, Gendema, and Fairo in Pujehun addressing his supporters that this time around votes for him and his party would alter the political scar face of this country come 2012.

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