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SLPP: A wave of hand problem

SLPP: A wave of hand problem

The main opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) has always downplayed its own members, especially when it concerns their various resolves to pitch tent with opposing political parties which is all people’s democratic right.

Of course it is obvious that no one would support a falling member to his opponent; rather the sad mistake on the SLPP’s path is their apparent failure to fix appalling minds – when they notice are tied boring on clear rational issues.

For example, the Chairman and Leader, John Oponjo Benjamin underscores in our previous edition to this, that he personally as party national Chairman and Leader got wind of Tom N’yuma’s defection intentions in the build up to his declaration, but what did he do to influence a change of his decision is the rhetoric here?

We at Sierra Express believe that the opposition is one united family, which means they should not be in sticky situations at all. And at the same time, they need to know that every member in such a family is important in terms of role performance and image clout of party membership.

However, it is borne of mind that these members ripping off are doing so with various minds and reasons displeasing them, which appears that nobody shares their feeling or reserves a certain thought about their worth within.

It is always like saying nobody begs another to become a member – and it same implies that the individuals have the right to quit out of their own volition.

Unfortunate also is the sarcasm that follows when they leave. It is now that the opposition is feeling relieved of the burden out of the leadership position Tom N’yuma has held over the past time. To suggest that somebody else who is more committed and competent is going to be filled suitable to his vacuum – is a rascal statement, we consider it to be on someone who was almost killed by President Koroma’s bodyguard serving such a party.

The SLPP with all due respect should learn to allow the spirit of tolerance and at the same time keep attractive innovations that would encourage members of their political party to at least stay on to weather the opposition storm.

The Tom N’yuma situation is one among the series of ugly happenings that have taken place within the party and we think the SLPP should have a mechanism in place that will solidify their peaceful existence.

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