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HomeHealthYoung People taking the lead to deliver World AIDS Day messages

Young People taking the lead to deliver World AIDS Day messages

Young People taking the lead to deliver World AIDS Day messages

On 1st December 2011, over 200 young Sierra Leonean volunteers trained by Restless Development will be leading World Aids Day sensitization activities in both rural and urban communities across Sierra Leone. Using Restless Development’s signature informal style which incorporates drama, role play and dance, the volunteers will drive home key messages to both young people and older community members focused on avoiding risky behaviour, seeking treatment and counseling for STIs including HIV, and taking personal responsibility for one’s own health.

Some of the activities to be undertaken include:

  • 194 rural-based volunteers will be undertaking community sensitization events in 97 rural communities across 12 districts involving drama, role play, quizzes and question and answer sessions. 3 drama groups composed of 4 volunteers each will be undertaking street-based public sensitization in urban locations across Freetown, Bo and Makeni.
  • Around 100 young people are expected to participate in a leaders talking to leaders forum to take place in Bo at the Bo District Council Hall which will bring victims of sexual reproductive health related issues, paramount chives, religious leaders, parents, CTAs, together with parliamentarians to discuss the topic of “how the incorporation of SRH into the national school curriculum can lead to zero new infections by 2015.”
  • Restless Development staffs, volunteers and interns will be participating at a national event at the Miatta Conference Centre in Freetown on the theme “Marching Towards Zero New Infections by 2015, Believe It Do It” organised by the National AIDS Secretariat. 

Restless Development is an international nongovernmental organization whose mission is to place young people at the forefront of change and development. Since 2005, Restless Development has been supporting young Sierra Leoneans to play an active role in changing their communities and country for the better. The organization focuses on improving young people’s sexual and reproductive health and creating opportunities for enhanced youth livelihoods and meaningful active civic participation. Restless Development has joined the National Aids Secretariat and other organizations in the fight against HIV/AIDS by educating and sensitizing hundreds of thousands of young people on the dangers of risky sexual behaviour and the importance of making the right health choices.

Restless Development believes one huge step in achieving “matching towards zero new infection by 2015”, is the incorporation of Sexual Reproductive Health into the national school curriculum…Young people are the most infected and affected. They are the solution.

For more information please contact:- Thea Lacey (078825005); Quintin Salia Konneh (078208656) or Wurie Mamadu Tamba Barrie (078437753 or 077663483).

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