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Peace is here, have no fear!

Peace is here, have no fear!

We have always maintained that the year 2012 will remain a signpost in our march toward sustainable peace and development.

Many seem to think 2012 as the end post for the survival of this nation called Sierra Leone and nothing liveth beyond that point.

Reason: 2012 was going to transform this once peace-loving country into a battlefield with blood flowing deep down our eyes, our hearts, and our streets.

The future, they say, is grim; politicians are determined to let the blood of innocent souls flow freely simply because they want power to rule and exploit this poor troubled nation at all cost, hence, they have already created a mindset of preparedness for the worst.

We agree that many Sierra Leoneans continue to harbour deep fear over what the future holds for their country, in particular what the 2012 multiple elections and their outcome portend for the people of Sierra Leone.

Some have even predicted the elections to be violent, and see 2012 as the breaking point for this peaceful nation.

However, not all Sierra Leoneans believe the 2012 elections would be violent, except we decide as a people to transform it so.  But if all of us consciously decide to hold peaceful elections, irrespective of our differences in opinion, differences of ideology, or political persuasion, we can make it possible. The elections will be violent-free!

Apparently, no well-meaning Sierra Leonean would want to see this country walk the path it took that brought her to her knees with brothers chopping the heads of brothers with great relish.

As a matter of fact, if through the help of our international guarantors, peace was restored albeit at a huge cost after a brutal civil war it behooves on every Sierra Leonean to keep that peace.  They say opportunity once lost shall never be regained.

If, for reason of greed for power, we lose the sympathy we are presently enjoying with friendly nations from far and near, we shall hardly recover from that loss.

Of course, no one needs to tell us to be wise than ourselves, but it seems many of us have still not learnt our lesson after ten years of senseless carnage.  We say this because when we hear some people doing or saying certain things, things that will only reverse the gains we have made over the years, then we say some people are not yet ready for this country to enjoy everlasting peace.

Why for goodness sake will some people urge for recourse to history, a history that will only bring sadness to us?  Those pushing for anything that will lead to violence and disrupt our peace will pay for it.  And by God’s grace they shall not succeed.

With peace all good things shall be possible, so have no fear; 2012 elections shall be violence free. Mark this!

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