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Mr. Idiot: This global face of Mr. President – Part (1)

Mr. Idiot: This global face of Mr. President – Part (1)

He is from the insurance world. Do you mean he is an adrift? Not so exactly, I mean his is a problem of non-certainty. Is he not a genius? He certainly must have been a day dreamer in all his attempts, – day breaking with lots of hopes and promises.

Behold he let everything going loosely about. Mister, you cannot understand. Is he ‘Ernest,’ a global face or he has a global face? I think not. But this is appearing a certainty in his government. Either he says economic recession or he’s been hypotenuse with the truth. When big business institutions run short of ideas they consult firms, but his business plan of a government stinks of so many reprisals, tribalism, nepotism, egocentrism, ethnocentrism and all its ‘isms’ sisters, now he is almost dragging every all into mud, we don’t know whether for the better.

The square root theory of double is an offshoot of the Pythagoras’s theory. This would imply that the business of doubles is in the multiple facets that are not fashionable any more especially in a system of governance where majority of the pro-poor are made to drown in poverty, and all a government does is hiding behind the cloak of global recession.

Let me ask you. This question may not be daring. When the president often goes global is it not for begging purposes? Whether a definite yes or not; he does scoop in foreign aids. Where the word global is implied, one can hardly access this little spot in the map grid that is called Sierra Leone,-suffers what brunt? He is known for his penchant to always sink the ‘indivisible’ in his cabinet. Shifting the blames, he’d love to be classified as a virtuous leader to underpin the philosophy that those around him are the ones derailing his course, -I say enough of it, this time.

I may be wrong or right, but I want to believe that, he too is a Sierra Leonean, and dwells here as well. When he removed the subsidy from the petroleum products that influenced a myriad of inflation in the country, his cross argument has been that he wanted to use the proceeds to design projects like the free medical care initiative, remunerations for civil servants, subventions bla, bla, bla…

Sierra Leoneans, we are all made fools. Sorry Mr. Idiot, I can see that you’re growling in acute pain. First of all we all missed the point by making ourselves ready tool kits for politicians. We banked our faiths in politics that’s the second point, the third is that, we cannot divorce our loyalty with politicians, so they are bound to always misguide the masses. All the bluff of being a government of construction, a government of infrastructure, and a listening government to the outcries of the masses… is climaxed in bravado. All it can place this country is in the mess by accruing huge debt deficits that our unborn generations would inherit, but you know what, I’ll let you a secret that you’ve never discovered about this government the next time I talk to you through this column. Stay fixed.

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