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Presidential representation unprofessional

Presidential representation unprofessional

www.ernestkoroma.org is known by newsreaders the world over as the official website of the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, His Excellency Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma.  This site is visible in almost all major search engines and information depots including Google and World-Newspapers.com which houses the list of all major newspapers and information platforms in the world.  According to the byline link in the footer area, this website was designed and is managed by Customerworth, C/O Family Kingdom Hotel, Aberdeen, Freetown.   Customerworth has even linked this site with global social platforms like Twitter and Facebook in order to make it reachable by the whole world.  What a good service to the nation! 

We at Critique Echo send our sincerest thanks and appreciation to the staff and management of Customerworth for making our President and his activities viewable in the World Wide Web.  What we don’t appreciate however, is the unprofessional layout of this website and the lackluster manner in which it’s being managed. This website (www.ernestkoroma.org), when properly observed, even a primary school pupil could see how unprofessional it is. The header image for example, Customerworth couldn’t make it fit with the width and height of the banner area which causes the enormous black cloud in the right corner of the header.  A click on the single page links reveals the actual white screen behind the black cloud in the header area which is the default page of every website with the header image centered in the middle. In addition to that, the article links in the body area are placed haphazardly with caps and small letter headings in different font families and sizes.  The worst of all is that some of the linked pages are unreachable.

“I belong to the opposition SLPP; but in as much as President Koroma is representing Sierra Leone in the world stage, I’m unhappy about the poor manner in which his website is being managed”, said Mr. Saliu Nabbi on telephone from Oslo – Norway.

Just like Mr. Nabbi, countless Sierra Leoneans have expressed to Critique Echo over the past months their unhappiness and disappointment about this website. Those who have the verge knowledge of information technology always wonder if Customerworth doesn’t know how to use open source content management systems like Typo3, Joomla!, WordPress etc. which are easily customizable to fit any environment.

While we view this website as a mere saboteur and disgrace for all patriotic Sierra Leoneans who are working 24/7 to refurbish the beautiful image of our country in the eyes of the world, we urge Customerworth to either recosmeticize this website or shut it down for good.

Othman Sheriff, Critique Echo Newspaper, Germany

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