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The foolish man is often right

The foolish man is often right

Often he is mentally disturbed; sometimes he is the village jester but with some mental problem all the same. In those local communities whatever happens, whether in joy or in sorrow is shared by all. In times of grief and on the death of a member of the community, a primary response to the shock and sad news is often in the nature of a question, “WHAT SHALL WE DO NOW, meaning what is the next step?” It is then our jester or mentally deranged quips, “Let’s burr it.” That intervention evokes sighs and hisses as well as queer looks of disbelief. But in the end the community does exactly what our friend unwittingly suggests. The corpse is buried. Let me say at once that except in the skewed minds of certain journalists, this writer is physically, intellectually and MENTALLY alert and has never at any time displayed symptoms of mental instability, a fact to which our great intellectual, author and editor per excellence of Peep newspaper could testify. When it was suggested recently that individual or executive members of the opposition SLPP should meet with the learned Dr. Bu-Buakei Jabbie in order to seek a common ground, i said that the man was too far gone with his objective and that nothing would stop him unless he got his “Pound of flesh” plus blood. The result of the meeting in the presence of a former party leader is now history. (Photo: Dr. Sama Banya)

We have received the order of the Supreme Court ordering that we are forbidden to engage in any activity which would lead to the election of a flag bearer until the related matter is disposed of. I am sure that all of us have no problem with the order. But as a layman I also wanted to know whether the Court order prevented us from holding our normal constituency, district, and regional elections which would lead to the election of our National Executive at a national delegates’ conference? His answer was a definite NO. Perhaps the next executive may advise the party to revisit its constitution yet again in order to remove those loopholes which may again play into the hands of constitutional experts like the learned Dr. Jabbie.

As if in answer to my thoughts the National Executive Council has to the delight of the entire membership decided to conduct the elections as required by our constitution excutive. It is a wise decision.

Theophilus Gbenda in a very interesting and eye-opening article, asks why Sheik Sesey of the Exclusive newspaper would want to sink so low in his praise singing of our President. interestingly he proceeds in the same breath to give us the answers which as we had known all along was mainly for the protection of Sesey’s personal interest. Regular readers of this column may recall that I have repeatedly stated why fellows like him, Mohamed one drop and the others continue to put in so much overtime in praise singing. The late former President Joseph Saidu Momoh was all the rage while he was on the thrown. After that all the funny names that had been ascribed to him and his other traits like “he wouldn’t listen to advice” (New Citizen newspaper) came into the open.

I advise his Excellency not to continue to swallow those sugar-coated insincere praises that have become the order of the day. Your Excellency, your people are far from satisfied with their current economic situation. I don’t think that the answer lies in creating a special committee which to the amusement of many has set up its own sub-committee to determine why the prices of local commodities continue to rise. I B M Kamara alone can give you the answer. It is generally agreed that if you want things to drag on just refer them to a committee. The 50th Independence celebration committee has recently been completely replaced while the ABC committee have yet to explain to the nation how over one hundred thousand dollars of their money was spent. Well dear nephew, these are just the musings of your octogenarian uncle who refuses to be gagged by some of the charlatans and jokers who surround you. What could have happened to my telephone numbers I wonder?

“My people, wonders will never end in this beelet kingdom.” If the tiny creature listened to the saga on David Tam-Baryoh’s monologue programme over the weekend, about the contract for the supply of five two-mega generators that were intended for the people of Lungi and Kono and which has so far successfully led to the delivery of three 0,6mega watts machines, why hasn’t it shared the information with rest of its people?” The year was 2010, sometime in July. The principal actors were the ministry of energy and water resources, its minister the learned Professor, the erstwhile Director-General of National Procurement and last, but not least D & S Associates. The poor people of Kono have just watched in disbelief. More on our “Zero Tolerance on corruption.”

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