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Skye Bank ‘Daboroo’ Exposed

Skye Bank ‘Daboroo’ Exposed

It is of course a must that liars are sinners and will surely see themselves in hell. “Jakporoo Iku” is a word borrowed from one of Nigeria’s local languages and defines bad conduct of those who put their lives at risk.

The Skye Bank Manager Olumide Olatunji yesterday disclosed to a local tabloid that ‘he is still in post’ and has not been sacked by the bank’s Lagos headquarter.

Facts, not fantasies or building castles in Spain, apparently exposed untruthful tongues of a man who claims to be a banker.

Was not the self acclaimed managing director of Skye Bank clued-up to information depicting recent appointment of a Nigerian as the new head of Skye Bank Sierra Leone?

It is to the confirmation of this press that the appointed manager is presently residing at Bintumani Hotel as he awaits official handing over of task to him.

Who is Laurence Okate in this country? Is he not the man recently appointed by management of Skye Bank in Lagos, and who surely will take over from the already sacked MD?

Facts gathered indicate that a Nigerian national by the name of Laurence Okate has been appointed as Skye Bank’s new managing director.

It has been told to this press that Laurence Okate has been approved by the Central Bank of Sierra Leone and shall soon take over managing directorship anytime from now.

Eye-opener disclosure reaffirms mismanagement and unwarranted dishing of loans to mostly ghost companies by management of Skye Bank.

A total of about Le14 billion is reportedly withdrawn from the bank for loan to respective business organizations.

Lolla Cole, a Nigerian once parading as the owner of a trading company called Caries, received Le 5 billion on loan from Skye Bank to purchase oil, but escaped.

Shocking most is growing concerns that management of Skye Bank has been using customers’ money to pay bank charges.

Of course, loans totalling US$ 1.2 million issued ‘Communication Warehouse’ mysteriously went in limbo; never ever paid at all.

A popular drama once aired on TV portrays a dying man using his last strength to escape the unavoidable.

It is revealed though that Manager Olatunji has been patrolling streets of Freetown looking out for option to revert the bank’s decision to sack him.

It has reached this press that a caucus meeting between MD Olatunji and two journalists (editors) was held at an isolated place (name withheld) to craft a story in  favour of the forenamed Skye Bank MD.

Read full details of revelation next edition.

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