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The professional callers-in!

The professional callers-in!

APC propaganda agents are constantly shouting that the SLPP did nothing for this country in all its eleven years in office. They didn’t care for any infrastructural development but left the country just as they had taken it over from Joseph Saidu Momoh. There were no efforts at road construction or rehabilitation; neither were there construction of new schools or the rehabilitation of those that were deliberately destroyed by the RUF and their allies, Johnny Paul Koroma’s AFRC. No, the SLPP did not bother to build hospitals and health centres all over the country, not even the ultra modern referral one in Makeni. The dilapidated health centres were left in ruins until the APC came to office. Education was in shambles and University education and the recreation of Njala as a separate institution all came about after September 2007. As soon as President Koroma assumed office, his minister of finance arranged a Donor conference for the rehabilitation of the Masiaka to Makeni and Bo to Masiaka highways. As for the Kenema to Koindu motor road his Excellency himself went to OPEC and secured all the funding. One has only to listen to the various call-in programmes on radio and they could be heard with their names ringing in monotony. They make calls on every programme, even the ones they do not fully understand and tell listeners how H E’s magic wand was transforming Salone. The most notorious of these professional callers include, but are not limited to the following; Accounting Wyse regularly makes his calls allegedly from Koidu City although he lives comfortably here in the capital. Alhassan Chelsea makes his calls from Kailahun like Sahr Mokuwa who both live in Freetown; one of them actually lives in Congo Town. Ambush Commander allegedly calls from Makeni and sometimes from Potty. They all receive free Top-up cards which are regularly replenished. The interesting thing is that they are fooling no one, certainly not the anchor men at the radio stations.  I wonder whether anyone has advised them that even the best propaganda if built on falsehood is bound to fail.  (Photo: Dr. Sama Banya)

A friend enquired over the weekend why I had limited the Paramount Chief APC propaganda agents to just three when there were others like Kono Bundor of Kangama in the Gorama Kono chiefdom, Musa Ngombukla Kallon of Daru Jawe chiefdom who now dawns a red gown at every public occasion. Elias Bangura of for-di-people newspaper accuses me of threatening those chiefs with a change of regime. Of course there will be a change of government and those chiefs who have leaned over much too far would find themselves sitting high and dry. By the way would someone remind the budding columnist of former United States President Harry Truman statement that “Calling a dog’s tail a leg doesn’t give it five legs. I may be blind with frustration or otherwise, but what I put out certainly interests people, which is more than I can say of his mentor these days.

Since the advent of the APC only one serving academic has climbed a public platform to denounce a political party because that party is temporarily out of power; it happened recently in Kenema when the Principal of the Eastern Polytechnic took the platform to denounce the SLPP. What! Have you forgotten so soon Dr. Sandy Bockarie? Would you not hang your head in shame when one recalls the manner in which you almost danced around former President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah during his Kenema visits? As yes, doctor I recall one particularly visit when we returned to the city from a day’s trip out? There was a charming lady who was responsible for the President’s meals and they were always very delicious. Jam Body would confirm this. Dinner was normally at 8 pm; on the day in question a number of charming ladies were laying out the table for dinner an hour earlier and who but the academic doctor himself was at the table personally passing the various dishes to President Kabbah. Were those utterances from your lips Dr. Bockarie? The SLPP may have done nothing for the Eastern Polytechnic but you still went ahead and named the main assembly hall after him. What nauseating hypocrisy! As head of the former Bunumbu College now Eastern Polytechnic what pressure did you put on the authorities to return the institution to Bunumbu?  Have you not found it more convenient and comfortable to live in Kenema where what was supposed to be the college’s guest house in the government reservation has now been remained the “3Ks” guest house, the personal property of Dr. Sandy Bockarie although it was built with college labour and who knows, maybe with college funds too? Who owns the three story house at the junction of Combema road and Ngombulango Street in Kenema? I suppose the funds came from your Consultancy services. Why would you not wait until retirement to engage in mainstream politics, or are you in search of an Ambassadorial post? You are already a University Pro Chancellor and a central Bank governor, e nor do so? More anon.

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