Dallas Tegloma: Ladipo vs Dabo for President
Dallas, Texas, November 7, 2010 – The two potential candidates, Josephine Ladipo and Sheik Daboh, vied for the position of President to take over Tegloma Dallas Chapter from Kinie Reuben Ndomahina on Saturday, November 6th. Both candidates declared publicly with audacious speeches as aspirants for the forthcoming general elections on February 2011. The declarations were made in a well attended meeting at their usual meeting place, the Lutheran Church in Dallas. (Photo: Scanning constitution during meeting)
Both candidates show their seniority and quality by greatly participated in the non-profit organization since its inception. Josephine Ladipo, currently the Vice President, if elected, will be the first female to head the organization.
Sheik Daboh, a businessman, is inspiring his supporters to be a better candidate who believes conformity of the well-known Sierra Leone organization in the United States.
Josephine Ladipo, whose experience is widely known to the organization’s federation, is inspiring women to stand up for her cause. Both candidates have the ambition to continuing promoting the cultural values of the organization, but neither has mentioned plans of uniting the organization because many members are worried for its division.
The Tegloma organization is a non-profit organization established ten years ago in the Dallas Fort-Worth Metropolitan. The founding fathers worked hard to raise the organization to its utmost, but still needs to do more effort to unravel the bewildering complex of emotions. Many members are concern to the direction at which the organization is heading. However, hopes are enormous for the 2011 elections to reach through a process of logical thinking by every member. Stay tuned for candidates profile.
By Ishmael Bobson
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AS it is to my understanding,tegloma was formed, with the aim of bringing the great family of our beloved country s/leone, that are resided in the state, in oder to love one another, respect, show concerns, reslove problems, and reflect all these to our family in S/Leone. We do not know better than them, but to obsrve the unity rules of our beloved God, out of our owen traditions, respect, problem solving, concerns, love,honesty and much more are ways of obsering God’s rules. I think, Mr SHEIK DABOH, have all these qualities to lead the dallas tegloma for better progress. He is PEACEFUL, HONEST, LOVELY, CARE, PROBLEM SOLVING MAN, GREAT FAMILY MAN, HAPPY MAN PROGRESS MAN, MAN OF UNITY, and much more. Good joseph, but bad followers. If madam joseph think, she will be able to control the group, she should have first of all put her followers under peaceful control, instead of them slaping growing men who kids are the same friends of the vitims kids. Do u all wants to tell me, that child, who Dad was been disrespected, will not grow bad intention for the man who disrespect his dad? and madam josephy have not done anything about it and the man is in pain. Much more to say and coming soon.
11th November 2010