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SLAJ denounces attack on SLBC cameraman

SLAJ denounces attack on SLBC cameraman

FreetownThe Sierra Leone Association of Journalists is shocked to learn that an Abu Claye a Sierra Leonean living abroad, attacked and beat up Albert Momoh, deputy head of TV at the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation, while filming the football match between Sierra Leone and South Africa.

Mr Claye claimed that his company had exclusive right to media and advertising for the match and that no-one else should film it. “Even if that was true he should have behaved in a civilised way by taking the matter up with the appropriate authorities and not taking the law into his own hands”, SLAJ President Umaru Fofana says.

SLAJ has learned that Claye is due to leave the country in the coming days and hereby urges the police to speed up investigations into the matter. The Association is particularly disturbed that a certain eye-witness police officer claiming to be friends with both parties has not made statement to the investigating officer thereby delaying the matter until the attacker leaves the shores of the country.

In a letter to the Inspector General of Police, SLAJ urges him to ensure the matter gets the due consideration in good time and for Mr Clay to not be allowed to travel until the law holds him accountable for his actions.

SLAJ, Freetown

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