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African Minerals Gives Life to Sierra Leone

African Minerals Gives Life to Sierra Leone

Life without praise is nothing, but praise should be given to those who think of rebuilding and sheltering the homeless.

African Minerals Limited must be praised for considering reducing poverty throughout the country. Last week Friday was a day of celebration at Water Quay as a thousand port workers sang songs of praise for African Minerals for bringing a locomotive train that would be transporting their bauxite from Tonkolili to Port Loko district.

His Excellency, the President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma assured his people that it is just the beginning of his vision for the success of this country.

President Koroma praised African Minerals for their total commitment in helping his government in the area of job creation and further mentioned that this country will be a blessing to every Sierra Leonean to reap the sweet benefit of Gods Blessing.  He encouraged every Sierra Leonean to be patient as no youths will be left without being employed.

Minister of Mines, Alpha Kanu said that the commitment of His Excellency, the President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma shows that he has the country at heart for better development.

Kanu also disclosed that His Excellency promised this nation that within 36 months during his tenure the county will be productive and reduce the high rate of unemployment, pointing out that with the support of African Minerals the economy will improve.

African Minerals train engine arrives in Freetown

He further maintained that the locomotive train engine brought by African Minerals will kick start the economy with young men and women having access to jobs.

Minister of Transport and Aviation, Alieu Pat Sowe praised the successful step of African Minerals to improve the standard of living of young men and woman in the country. He encouraged those who have been employed at African Minerals to take their work seriously.

Minister Pat Sowe said African Minerals have planted more seeds for the socio economic development of the country to develop.

Alhaji Minkailu Mansaray, Minister of Employment assured the people that the APC government will deliver more to reduce the unemployment rate throughout the country, stating that African Minerals will definitely deliver.

The no-nonsense Minister of Information and Communication, Alhaji Ibrahim Ben Kargbo said this government has proved their physical presence and commitment towards developing this country.

He called on all stakeholders to fully join hands in embracing this development, adding that his government knows how to create jobs for the youth and have concern for every Sierra Leonean to benefit from what God has made for the people of this country.

By Samuel Kargbo

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  • Common! I hope there will be good passenger trains also not just goods trains for transporting our ore. Our ignorance is making us too excited over things others don’t even want set sight on. We should be looking for a better deal and I hope the percentage share is 60/40 not 7/93.

    9th September 2010

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