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Do not underestimate your relationship

Do not underestimate your relationship

mailYou might not get the funny side of things reader because if your friends can’t respect your lover, then they have no respect for you, no matter what they might claim or say. They are actually laughing at you behind your back or in their minds, waiting for you to regale them with laughter on your latest love escapades. Secrets are best kept at heart.

A quote I totally agree with, it will only make you more vulnerable to others when you share your deepest secrets with them. So many times secrets have been let out during quarrels among friends leaving one open to the world resulting in laughter scorn and mockery at self’s expense.

Of course there’s got to be a sense of humor present in a relationship. Having the ability to laugh at seemingly tense and conflicting situations is a gift that some people don’t possess. Good as this may be and a sure stress reliever it has to be dealt with delicately though. We all have that little devilish side to us but to what extents are we willing unleash it? Hopefully not at the extent of our partner left feeling hurt and insecure. One’s got to learn how and when to confront situations especially ones that put self’s spouse in the grunge as psychologically the mind tends to go into overdrive with negative vibes and emotions. Few of the emotional vibes spouse is bound to feel are hurt, betrayal, anger, and insecurity, hence one has to know how far to take a joke or worse if not, one has to  know how to make up for brash insensitivity and nonchalance.

At first the thought of being in a healthy relationship might give one the chills.  No more casual sex, etc. Honestly it,s not so bad reader as you end up a winner compared to people out there not brave enough to venture into love. Emotionally and physically you can get [TLC] whenever you want it, you don’t have to pay for it. It’s free. Religiously you are getting there. Economically it saves you a whole lot of money better invested for your future. Health wise it greatly reduces the risk of STDs and saves you a whole lot of bother worrying about it. So giving up some of your bad habits are actually good for you and it will help solidify your union as a relationship is about giving and receiving.

Respect your relationship by giving up some bad vices that you could do well without.

Respect yourself, and your partner. Respect your relationship.

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