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February 2011

A shocking report obtained by Survival International reveals that the home of the nomadic Awá tribe suffered more deforestation than any other indigenous territory in the Amazon in 2009.  (Photo: An Awá man stands amidst

As part of its corporate social responsibility, the management of airtel Sierra Leone has initiated "School Adoption Programme" under which it would adopt some deprived schools in rural areas for reconstruction and renovation in addition

NAIROBI, 14 February 2011 – Hundreds of infants in Kenya received their first shots against pneumococcal disease today at a special event to celebrate the global roll out of vaccines targeting the world’s

The All Peoples Congress (APC) government has unveiled plans to celebrate Sierra Leone’s 50th independence anniversary, which coincides with its fourth year in power; but celebrations without meaningful changes in the lives of ordinary Sierra

Humans are influenced by watching the behavior of others; Dr. Albert Bandura would quickly and accurately tell you that!  So is the Presidential or governmental call for "attitudinal change" adequate by itself to bring the

The ministry of health is working assiduously to bring changes to the peoples’ health in the country. Coming from a recent visit from Sierra Leone I have the opportunity of meeting three prominent

Sierra Leone's Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has said that Sierra Leone's 50th Independence Anniversary will not only be a time for celebration, but a time for deep reflection on the way forward

The Sierra Leone Student Union in China (SLSUC) has elected a new executive for the 2011/2012 academic year during their annual convention in Beijing. The elections climaxed the four-day convention at the Sierra Leone Embassy

USA based Sierra Leonean George Wilson, a man recognized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports for his tremendous contribution to sports, particularly football, who in 2003 was instrumental in bringing Brazilian coach, Jose Antonio

Middle of the World Organization and Saint Coast Blood Youth Groups that mediated and settled disputes among young people has concluded a successful meeting at it headquarters at 7B A.J. Momoh Street Freetown. The meeting, according

It was overwhelming colourful past Sunday as Saint Edwards Secondary School celebrated its 89th birthday at the May Park ground. Proud Edwardians, old and young, cheerfully celebrated the school’s birthday in a grand and unique style. The

Campaign for Human Right and Development in Sierra Leone will soon commence operation in Sierra Leone soon after its launching. The organization intends to give awards to people that have contributed to nation’s human rights, rule

Mustapha Hadji Bangura who last Saturday learnt during the first 45 minutes against Olympic that his wife in the United States delivered a healthy baby boy looks set to face club punishment for a breach

ACCRA, 8 Feb – Member States of the Interim Guinea Current Commission (IGCC) who share the Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem (GCLME) begin a vital two-day meeting with potential development partners on 17 February, to

The Annie Walsh Memorial Secondary School and the Every Nation Academy came out as winners of the inaugural quiz competition for junior and senior secondary school pupils. The ceremony which manifested the grand final of a