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SLPP in North America is Strong and Growing

SLPP in North America is Strong and Growing

HOUSTON, TEXAS – On behalf of the Chairman, his executive, and the very committed members of the Sierra Leone People’s Party in North America (SLPPNA), I make the following verifiable statements in response to a slew of misinformation being maliciously propagated by ONE person using a series of false pen names. This in no way dignifies those untruths and misrepresentations and the following is a one-off statement that simply sets the records straight.

  1. No Chapter has broken away from SLPP in North America and no chapters will break away from SLPP in North America. On the contrary, the Boss Fallay administration has re-energized the SLPP in Southern California and Arizona, and it is on the verge of reinvigorating the Ohio chapter. Two new chapters have been added: Illinois (Chicago) has already registered with SLPP in North America; Minnesota will be registered in short order; Toronto, Canada will soon be added to the list. That, to me, is evidence of a party that is growing and expanding in North America, not one that is falling apart. More women are registering in the party all over America and more first time members, people from various regions of the country, and youth are joining the party in all it various state chapters from Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Mid-western United States.
  2. There are minor disagreements over such minor issues as who should administer the party’s privileged listserv and how firmly persons breeching the simple laid-down communication etiquette should be disciplined. There are also some minor disagreements about when, how, and why some clauses in the region’s bye-laws should be amended and ratified. The said petition speaks to those two issues. The core values of the party of tolerance and civilized dialogue will prevail, ultimately. The party’s clear dispute resolution mechanisms mean that instead of using false names to propagate misinformation, the mature leaders and members of this region SLPP are working assiduously to bridge these minor fissures and misunderstandings. The odd crease of misunderstanding occurs in every human relationship, but there is certainly no cause for alarm about the state of the party in North America.
  3. Contrary to the untruths being perpetrated by the man using false names, Mr. Abu Saccoh is the whip of the party in this region and he is doing an excellent job in enforcing discipline within the party. He is not the son of Dr. S. B. Saccoh and he has publicly condemned and distanced himself from Dr. Saccoh’s membership of the APC. He remains a fully paid and hardworking member of the Delaware Valley chapter of our great party. Lawyer Sadu Bah is a well-known and highly respected member of the party Washington DC chapter. He continues to be an outstanding member of the SLPP in North America. The whip will continue disciplining errant party members like the ghost writer, who, instead of discussing party matters, spends his time on the party’s dedicated listserv insulting other party members and demeaning their livelihoods. All SLPP party members from cleaners and taxi drivers to proprietors and successful professionals are equally valuable to our party. Even though the man using false names to write untruths holds a PhD, that gives him no right to demean the standing and profession of other people. He will be disciplined no matter the volume of alarm and nonsense he writes mischaracterizing SLPPNA. The SLPP is a party of laws and it will continue to be so.  The party in North America will discipline anyone who demeans other party members or who recklessly breaks rules.
  4. The referenced petition was an ill-conceived idea contrived by a few SLPPNA chapter leaders to abort the very successful national meeting held by the SLPP in North America on March 27 and 28, 2010. Very important matters were discussed and the meeting was lauded by even some non-attenders as very productive and timely. Again, the purveyor of untruths using the false name was the source of the misinformation and diatribe that led to that disagreement. The draft of the constitution has been sent to chapter heads by the Constitution Review Committee chair, Mr. Mohamed Bangura, and the constitution will be fully discussed, amended, and ratified at the SLPP convention in Los Angeles. That is the SLPP way – dialogue and decency – not using false names to cause alarm.
  5. There is no “silent majority” praying for “Anything but Fallay” as pronounced by the well-known dissident using false names. That person’s vicious campaign of vilification and denigration has taken the form of persistent insults, peddling untruths, writing trashy and slanderous nonsense about Boss Fallay and his family and everything else in between. That is not the spirit of the SLPP’s best traditions and we will not allow the man using false names to write these trashy articles to prevail.
  6. The SLPP will hold a democratic convention between August 7 and 8. Please accept our invitation to cover the very successful event at which this region’s enfant terrible will be absent for reasons he cannot make. And please inform the man using false names to write to crosscheck some of his untruths. For example, the name of the person interested in running for office is Christian Sam and not “Christopher Sam.” Please inform him that C-Sam remains a personal friend of mine and he was my junior at the Bo School. Inform him also that I lived in the same Paris Block B with C-Sam, and so he knows me very well and I speak to him regularly. C-Sam maintains tremendous respect for me as a person.
  7. Please also inform the man using false names to spread misinformation that the SLPP leadership election is in March 2011 and it will be done at a National convention in Sierra Leone and not by Boss Fallay or P.K. Muana. The party in North America will elect party delegates at a meeting of the party conference (which is like a local parliament in which all chapters in North America are represented) in accordance with laid down constitutional procedures. Those delegates elected by the party conference will then be mandated to travel to the National convention in March 2011 and represent the best interests of the SLPP in North America to elect the presidential nominee.
  8. Again, tell the user of false names that Chairman Fallay and members of this region regard Chairman John Oponjo Benjamin as an outstanding and well-respected leader of our party. Chairman Benjamin graciously welcomed the North America delegation led by me, P. K. Muana, at the recent national convention in Bo this year. He ensured that North America was well represented at all meetings and the convention floor and he extended all courtesies to this region’s representatives. He is consistently in touch with this region through teleconferences and he remains fully briefed on all issues obtaining in this region. The Boss Fallay administration and SLPP in North America will continue to support the party in Sierra Leone with financial and other material resources needed to develop the party in Sierra Leone and to reach out to our constituents. The relationship between North America and the NEC is strong and this region is kept fully informed of all party business in Sierra Leone.

The state of the SLPP is very strong in North America.

Signed: Patrick K. Muana, PhD. Spokesman for the Chairman, SLPP in North America.

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