Worrisome COVID jab!
In a desperate bid to battle the third wave of the Corona Virus, the Government has introduced stringent radical measures. The recent mandatory CIVID jab for all MDA staff- and visitors, customers, clients and service providers to government is as worrying as it is also very risky.
Sierra Leone hasn’t the medical wherewithal to deal with any unforeseeable complications that are sure to affect the population as has been seen in developed countries that have the medical paraphernalia and accoutrements to handle severe allergies that might lead to sudden deaths or permanent disabilities.
HIV Aids emerged in the mid-50s when medical scientists were trying to find a vaccine for polio. They injected attenuated versions of the polio virus into baboons, which triggered baboon anti bodies to fight the stranger. Samples of the anti-bodies were then tested in humans; an unexpected guest arrived – HIV AIDS. It’s been well over half a century of research in pursuit of a vaccine, yet still; HIV AIDS is quietly on the rampage. The best scientists could come up with is anti-retroviral drugs. How could they now come up so rapidly with a COVID vaccine?
Surely, it’s too early to ignore the inherent dangers that might be lurking in the vaccine
So, whilst the government, or whosoever is behind this mass, compulsory, vaccination campaign might be acting in good faith, they might well be paving the road to a national disaster the scale of which has never been witnessed in Sierra Leone. Ebola ravaged the entire population in 2014/2015, but there was no talk of mass vaccination of the population. So far, Sierra Leone has not seen large numbers of deaths in these two years of COVID as was witnessed in one year of Ebola.
Sierra Leone’s treasury may be enjoying a vortex of COVID funds, in all its ramifications, but this should not blind the government from the grave risks it’s running in this unprecedented mass vaccination campaign.
Compulsory testing would be a more sensible response than arm twisting an entire public workforce to accept the COVID jab.
No doubt, Dr Austin Demby is a veteran in the virology cadre, but even he, with all his long years in trying to get a vaccine for Lassa fever -without success- cannot guaranty absolute safety for Sierra Leone’s population in this impulsive, panicked response to COVID. Government should tread cautiously or risk creating a monster they would not be able control.
By Julian Walker
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