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KKY spits fire

KKY spits fire

Leader of the opposition National Grand Coalition (NGC) in Parliament, Dr Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella, has raised the red flag on a range of national issues that he said were not going right in the New Direction Government, and required rectification in the interest of democracy and good governance.

“This Government has a lot of work to do to show that the country is on a new direction” the NGC leader noted, citing the findings of the Afro Barometer Survey in March 2020, which indicates that the country was not in the right direction. He said 85% frowned at the way the economy was going, and Government programs and activities did not translate to the welfare of the people.

Dr Yumkellah particularly raised concern about the Local Government proposed policy, which he said would “kill our democracy and move us to one party state”, adding that one of the findings of the Truth and  Reconciliation Commission was that the war was caused by centralization.

He also described the proposed Cyber Crime Bill as an “infringement of human rights”, and pointed out the inadequacies of the bill, which he said lacked wide consultations.

On another front, the NGC Parliamentary Leader indicted the Government for failing to sanitize the mining sector, despite promises to do so, citing the loss by Government of huge amounts of money in a law suit in England.  He noted that even when there is an ongoing investigation of corruption in the sector involving certain members of the previous administration, a similar situation is unfolding in the transfer of mining assets from one company to another, while mining operations are in progress without going through Parliament.

On the debt burden, the NGC Leader revealed that Parliament had summoned the Minister of Finance to give account of his stewardship by proving the House a tabulated analysis of the country’s debt in the nearly three years of the New Direction Government. “In this way we can bench mark the source of debt and how prudent the monies are used”, he said, adding that Revenue generation had improved, but expenditure remained largely a cause for concern according to the Auditor General’s Report of 2019. “There are still leakages”, he noted.

By Abdul Kuyateh

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