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HomePoliticsWe Will Challenge Witch-Hunt On EBK – JFK Asserts

We Will Challenge Witch-Hunt On EBK – JFK Asserts

We Will Challenge Witch-Hunt On EBK – JFK Asserts

Former Attorney General and Minister of Justice who also doubles as the lead defense lawyer for former President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara Esq has stated that the attempt by the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples  Party (SLPP) to confiscate and harass former President Koroma will be challenged in the highest Court of Law. He made the statement in an exclusive interview with BBC in reaction of the publication of the government’s White Paper of the Commissions of Inquiry.

JFK as he is fondly call told BBC that he welcomes issues of accountability as dividend of good governance, adding that as an individual he participated in the proceedings of the commissions of inquiry defending former President Koroma noting that he is disappointed over the White Paper as some aspect of what is contained in the White Paper are contradictory to what they experience during the commissions of inquiry. He said “We see instances where evidence are suggested how the monies where applied and appropriated but today we seen request for those monies to be paid, it is outrageous, shameful and vindictive.” He continued that in the words of President Bio that he wants to make corruption very expensive and risky, is fine and good in words but it has to be in deeds and action but the White Paper is selective in it shows and you can see in some aspect of it, is an issue of vendetta is of minds in challenge of it words. He further that “it is a vendetta for example the issue surrounded with the Ebola funds and the Anti-Corruption Commission has done its investigation and found nothing was wrong and these are specialists in such area and yet still the White Paper suggested Ebola Funds where misappropriated and needed to be refunded and it is outrageous.”

Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara Esq said as he represented former President Koroma in the commissions of inquiry, there are issues where there are implications but most certainly there are no issues where you can come up with legal implications or legal liability extended to the former president. He added that there are issues where the former president was address to have houses and estates which didn’t belong to him and yet still the government went on to say they belong to him; there are other issues where the former president only owned two houses and he shows how the former president accrued those houses, yet still they took those two houses from him. He said this is the man that have served as president for ten years, he has served opposition leader in parliament and has been head of one of the most famous insurance companies in the country and yet they say he can’t built two houses. He went on to say that the motive of the government is clear, that is to make the former president destitute and they will challenge that to the highest court of the land. He ended by saying that the motive of the government of President Julius Maada Bio is more than a witch-hunt and it will not be tolerated as it will be challenged in its entirety.

By Emmanuel I. Kamara

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