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Presidential Aide, Lands Minister Accused of Compromise

Presidential Aide, Lands Minister Accused of Compromise

As tears ran their eyes over what they described as gross advantage allegedly perpetrated against them over an access road by the Personal Assistant (PA2) to President Bio, Mr. Tommy Massaquoi and the Minister of Lands, Dr. Dennis Sandy, have come under serious scrutiny following an accusation that both Government officials are in an organized fraud to suffer Mr. Richard Lamin Flee and Family at David Drive, Hill Station in Freetown.

Speaking to a battery of Journalists at a press conference held at the disputed land, father, Mr. Richard Lamin Flee said that Government officials are not only using the President Bio’s name for self interest, but they are also in this to destroy his name and reputation.

Richard Flee explained that Mr. Tommy Massaquoi and compatriots are using the power from above concept to occupy an access road leading to his house, noting that as a result of Mr. Massaquoi refusal to give space for an access road, his children find it extremely difficult to go to school and their million worth private vehicle has parked in the garage useless and immovable since March, 2020 for the fact that there is no access road for his vehicle to go through.

Mr. Flee said on one occasion, Dr. Sandy visited the disputed land and frankly condemned the Massaquoi family that they were wrong to construct a retaining wall within an area which should have serve as an access road, noting that to his greatest surprise, after entering to an inner room, Dr. Sandy changed his language by allegedly commanded land officials to hands off the matter.

Mr. Flee maintained that when the Director of Housing and Planning, Kai Banya visited the land in question, he recommended that Mr. Flee should hire a professional engineer who should construct a preferable drainage which would have allowed him to have an access road to his house for the safety of his little children.

After advancing the engineer to start the drainage construction, Mr. Flee said when the engineer came to start the work, he was chased by the Massaquoi boys with the statement that the matter was well known among authorities at State House.

Mr. Flee therefore called on President Bio’s Government and land officials intervention for the truth to prevail so that he could regain the access road which he was using to his house with vehicle.

Wife of Mr. Richard Lamin Flee, Aunty Ruggie who was running tears said they have been at that place since 2007, adding that she was surprised to see Mr. Tommy Massaquoi and wife, Fatmata Massaquoi bragging that the New Direction Government is in their pockets, but they were not active when they were fighting to restore the New Direction Government of President Bio.

She explained that the land under review was legally sold to them by the Government of Sierra Leone with authentic documents which they have presented to Dr. Sandy as demanded.

She joined her husband to call on President Bio and land officials to intervene for the truth to prevail so that their children will have access to go to school so that they will not be left out in the Government Free Quality Education (FQE) scheme.

By Abdulai Mento Kamara

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