71% Corruption Control – Macauly Has The Credit Not Kelfala
Over the past week or so, the media landscape in Sierra Leone, including both mainstream and social media have been inundated with several opinions regarding the recent report of the Millennium Challenge Corporation Unit (MCCU) which graded the country 71% improvement in Corruption Control.
Many supporters and sympathizers of the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) have given the credit to the current Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Francis Ben Kelfala (in photo), for this score while members and sympathizers of the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) Party say, it was as a result of the good works of the illegally removed Commissioner, Ady Macauly, that led the country to received such grade in Corruption Control.
In a recently held press conference by the ACC, Francis Ben Kelfala was very emphatic on his successes for the last six months since he was imposed as Commissioner of the Anti- Corruption Commission. He boasted that, he had secured 100% conviction rate, which he said was happening for the first time in the history of the Commission adding that he had also been able to recover for the state, billions of Leones from culprits.
However, many well-meaning and critical thinking Sierra Leoneans have raised serious questions as to whether Mr. Kelfala was not being bogus considering the fact that since he was imposed, he had only charged three cases to court and all three are pending.

Ady Macauly
According to sources, all the convictions made in the last five months were cases charged to court by the then commissioner, Ady Macauly, who many believe is responsible for the score the country has on the control of corruption as a result of the Pay No Bribe Campaign he introduced. This campaign, according to Madam Koroma of the MCCU in a radio interview, played a significant role in the country’s achievement of the score and also mentioned that the score covers the years 2017-2018. She also clarified that this is not the first time Sierra Leone is passing the corruption ranking as in 2016; the country also passed the corruption control.
It is therefore indisputable to say that Commissioner Ady Macauly remains the goal scorer of the Corruption Control goal scored by Sierra Leone in the MCCU. Ronaldo must not be accredited a goal scored by Messi. Lonta.
By Ibrahim Alusine Kamara
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