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Attitudinal Change is the antidote to a better Sierra Leone – Pt. 2, the final episode

Attitudinal Change is the antidote to a better Sierra Leone – Pt. 2, the final episode

It was once said by our elders that, “If you think you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen then get out”. Yes, you may be right! This is very true if your attitude is one of “I cannot”, then your purpose has been defeated before the race has even begun. Think I cannot get the job and you may as well not even go to the interview. Think I cannot reach this goal and it will always be unreachable. Think I cannot complete this project and there it will sit forever half done. American civil right leaders such as, Jessie Jackson, has taken quotes from two of the world’s favorite speakers and added some of his own beliefs to it “If I can conceive it and believe it, I can achieve it. It’s not my aptitude but my attitude that will determine my altitude—with a little intestinal fortitude!” Paradoxically, it was all true to what was said by Jessie! (Photo: Essa Thaim Kurugba)

I know many successful people in Sierra Leone that are no smarter or more talented than most people you yourself talk to on a daily basis. However, their edge is their attitude. They take on tasks with the attitude that they will accomplish a result. If they meet with failure they learn from it, shrug it off, and move on. This means they go from one goal to the next repeatedly, accomplishing more and more with each passing day. They come to be called The Brilliant, The Successful   and The Outstanding because they have the right attitude. Successful people come from all walks of life, all nations of the world, both rich and poor, they range in color, shape and size, but there is one common factor – they have an attitude that tells them they will get more good out of life than bad. That there will be far more wins than losses. These are few factors we Sierra Leoneans need to embrace, clinch to and adapt to. Sierra Leoneans really need an attitudinal change.

Let’s look into this as per say; a person can be efficient at their task and still not be successful, if they do not have the right attitude. Any machine can just do the work, but it takes a human being with the right attitude to make it come alive with the creativity that lies with the recesses of our minds. Those with the right attitude use that magic within us to make it better – to make it worthwhile – that ladies and gentleman makes the difference. Do not stand there waiting for the world to change towards you. You need to change towards what you want. Nothing changes, until we are ready and willing to change. President E. B. Koroma is asking you for a positive change in attitude, which is the antidote to better our country.

Take this as an example: Go take your paint brush of life and paint one corner of the wall you want in your house. You want this painting to look bright, hopeful, and filled with all the treasures of your dreams and goals. Yes! But it has to start somewhere, so let it begin with you! There are lots more reasons why you can have your dreams and goals, and then there are other reasons why you cannot. If you are determined, go after them. Keep your attitude one of cheerful expectance. Work at your own pace, and you will get them. As this happens you will reach new levels that will enable you to accomplish more. When you stand in the middle of the desert, you can only see as far as to the first sand dune. However, once you’ve reached that dune, you can see beyond it. Set your goal for that first dune and once you attain it – you will be able to see the second and possibly even beyond.

Moreover, if you have this in your mind that, before you can do something positive in life, you must do something positive in yourself. Your attitude will enable you to be something good; thus, your attitude can empower you to do something virtuous for a change!

Remember these few tips for getting and keeping a good attitude around people:

  1. Since our minds can only hold one thought at a time, make your thoughts to be more constructive and positive for a change. Look for the best in people and ideas and work with President Koroma’s Attitudinal Change message.
  2. Do not waste time talking about your problems to people who cannot solve them! It will not help you and it cannot help anyone else.
  3. Keep an attitude of confidence, of one who knows where they are headed. You will find all sorts of good things that will surely come your way to get you there.
  4. Lastly, Don’t Embezzle Government Funds. Treat our democratically elected leaders or everyone around you with respect.  These people are like the most important of persons on the face of the earth.  

Desist the act of being anti-ethical in thinking and do the above few tips for about the next few weeks.  Please treat every person with whom you have contact with, as if they were the most important people in the world. One reason to do this is that as far as they are concerned they are the most important people on earth. Another reason is because that is how we should treat one another.

Finally, as you treat people in this manner you are forming a good moral behavior. With this habit, you will begin to notice a change: irritations that use to get to you are no longer there. You will see that you are on the road to your goals and the ease and comfort of the ride will surprise you. You will find yourself doing more and doing it in less time because you have a positive attitude about doing it. You will find yourself receptive to opportunities that would have eluded you if your negative attitude were still infecting your senses.

Remember, by having a positive/constructive attitude you have placed yourself amongst the top people in the world! Now that is good company!

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