FOCUS 1000 Ends 5th Anniversary Thanksgiving Services
Friday 27th October, 2017, a Non-Governmental Organization, FOCUS 1000, headed by the Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Bailor Jalloh in unionism with Staff and Partners have concluded Muslim Thanksgiving at the JAM’IYATUL HAQ MOSQUE at Fourah Bay (in photo, in the eastern part of Freetown with Dr. Ramadan Jalloh in charge of the said mosque.
In the afternoon of Sunday 29th October, 2017, at the St. Paul’s Congregation Evangelical Church at Kingtom with Rev. Christiana Sutton Koroma as Pastor in charge, were joined with the Staff of FOCUS 1000, Partners and invited guest in full attendance to celebrate the anniversary.
Partners of FOCUS 1000 manifested gratitude to celebrate the wonderful day in God’s presence for bringing the organization to this level and prayed for God’s presence, guidance and direction to continue in their daily undertakings.

St. Paul’s Congregation Evangelical Church In Kingtom
FOCUS 1000 awarded as a credible Organization, was officially established on 5th October, 2013 in Freetown Sierra Leone with primary concern on improving lives of children, pregnant women and lactating mothers.
FOCUS 1000 expressed gratefulness and gratitude to God for bringing them to this level after many obstacles.
Meaningful statements were made by representatives of various groups that formed the KOMBRA NETWORK including Religious Body, traditional healers, market women, Kombra Media Network and the civil society’s organizations. All ended in merriment in celebration of FOCUS 1000 5years of active service.
By Victor Tutu Rogers (Kombra Media Network)
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