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HomePoliticsSolomon Berewa Extols Alhaji Musa Tarawally to President Koroma

Solomon Berewa Extols Alhaji Musa Tarawally to President Koroma

Solomon Berewa Extols Alhaji Musa Tarawally to President Koroma

Former Vice President of Sierra Leone under the SLPP, erudite and charismatic legal luminary, Solomon E. Berewa, lavished praise on President Ernest Bai Koroma for being the good and visionary leader that he has proven to be since he assumed power in 2007.

Mr. Berewa told President Koroma that Hon Alhaji Musa Tarawally is one of the most sincere politicians he met, that he groomed him but he saw the good leadership in President Koroma which he, Berewa, and the country are benefitting from. Mr. Berewa said Alhaji Musa Tarawally is a man of honor, respect and humble, apart from the fact that he is a very good team player.

According to Mr. Berewa, he can personally vow for Alhaji Musa Tarawally and called on President Koroma to always continue to practice politics with a level of gratitude, love and nationalism, adding that these attributes are indicative legacies of how politics should be played.

President Koroma said that we must forgive and move forward with the development of our beloved country. He went further to state that we must continue to be patriotic adding that it would be beneficial for President Koroma to continue with development projects for the growth of the party.

He cited that the way he (President Koroma) respected the late President Tejan Kabbah and continues to respect, care for the former Vice President, Solomon Berewa are tangible examples of his good leadership quality.  He highlighted that he assisted the way he maintained the welfare and security of the late President is an indication that President Koroma is indeed an astute leader who has compassion for his people irrespective of political party affiliation.

In his response, President Koroma said, “we must forgive and move forward with the development of our country.”

Mr. Berewa also told President Koroma that Alhaji Musa Tarawally has talents which President Koroma took note of and utilized to the benefit of the country, adding that they are among the most symbolic Southerners. He commended President Koroma for a job well done in managing the affairs of his party and the country and thanked him for being playing a fatherly role to every Sierra Leonean. He said that projects the good leadership of President Koroma to reconcile people.

By Contract Tracer

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