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Flood Victims Hail NRA

Flood Victims Hail NRA

Many flood victims have showered praises on the National Revenue Authority, NRA, for coming to their rescue at the right time when they are in direst need after being devastated by the historic September 16 monumental flood calamity in Freetown which killed several people and made homeless hundreds of others. The flood victims were thanking NRA while recently receiving the third generous donation from the institution, containing used clothing valued over ten million Leones.  Some of the donated items

“We are very grateful to NRA for the fact that they have, on three occasions, donated to us food and non food items including Ebola protective materials,” one of beneficiary flood victims stated.

NRA Officials Donating

NRA Officials Donating

They further expressed gratitude to the Government of Sierra Leone and His Excellency President Ernest Bai Koroma for the wise decision he took to temporarily relocate them at the National Stadium.

By Abdulai Mento Kamara

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