As 1,105 Matriculate at MMCE&T Principal assures quality education
The Milton Margai College of Education and Technology (MMCE&T) on Saturday 16th May 2015 matriculated 1, 105 students for the 2014/2015 academic year drawn from the three campuses of Congo Cross, Brookfields and Goderich, the first in the history of the college.
The auspicious ceremony took place at the college’s Peace Amphitheatre at Goderich, West of Freetown during which the Principal of the college, Dr. Saidu Kanu, underscored that his administration would make sure that students receive quality education and should be capable to defend and demonstrate the educational competence they have acquired.
He reminded all that the Ebola disease outbreak is still posing serious challenges to the country and expressed thanks and appreciation to the National Ebola Response Center (NERC) for granting permission to the college to conduct the 2015 matriculation ceremony.
The Principal also commended the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for demonstrating strategic and cohesive leadership for the resumption of academic activities throughout the country and underscored that his college would continue to give the necessary support to Government and would leave no stone unturned to ensure that Ebola is eradicated from the country.
Dr. Saidu Kanu went on to appeal to students to get full knowledge as well as abide by the college’s rules and regulations to enhance their peaceful coexistence on campus articulating that for newly-admitted students, this is perhaps their first experience in an academic institution where most decisions regarding their success in life are independently made.
He continued that experience indicates that new students are the most gullible and easy to manipulate to engage in unacceptable behaviors that are intolerable on campus, encouraged students to regularly attend classes and participate in all academic activities revealing that his administration has put modalities in place to ensure appropriate assessment of students based on class participation, attendance of lectures and taking their examinations.
According to Dr. Saidu Kanu, cultism and anti-social fraternities are posing serious challenges not only to the country’s academic institutions but the entire nation and warned that his administration has a zero-tolerance policy on all cult activities particularly those that undertake clandestine initiations often manifested by brutal assaults, rape, abuse of drugs and many social frictions that threaten the peace and stability of the college.
“It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they meet their financial obligations. I expect all students to pay their fees and other charges. My administration is putting modalities in place for the effective management of the administrative offices, conduct of examinations befitting the college and providing support to the academic staff to facilitate their work all of which requires money. This year, we have decided that all first year students must pay their fees in full before they are registered and allowed to matriculate. For continuing students, all arrears and 60% of the current fees must be paid. Defaulters will not be allowed to take the forthcoming examinations,” he asserted.
He furthered that politics and rivalry on campuses are a major concern and encouraged staff and students to conduct such activities within the expected acceptable norms underlining that politics should not be their primary objectives and appealed to students to focus on their studies disclosing that his administration would work hard with the Students’ Union to ascertain that elections are conducted in a transparent atmosphere.
To the academic staff, the Principal acclaimed them for their hard work stressing that the quality of education they impart in students is a reflection of the institution and urged them to comport themselves with the highest academic esteem as well as demonstrate exemplary and professional leadership at all times.
He also guaranteed that his administration would work relentlessly to provide academic staff with the conducive working environment and for their emoluments to be paid regularly and on time.
The matriculation ceremony is an important academic event where newly-enrolled students are officially admitted within the academic domain of the institution.
Highlights of the well-attended ceremony were the procession of maticulants, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments and Units and Senior Administrative Staff led by the Assistant Marshall to the Peace Amphitheatre, the welcome and keynote address by the Principal, the Oath Taking conducted by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. A.M. Conjoh and the formal pronouncement and membership of students to the college.
Kongbap Sumner.
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