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HomeFeaturedACC Deputy Commissioner attends conference on whistle-blowing in Abuja-Nigeria

ACC Deputy Commissioner attends conference on whistle-blowing in Abuja-Nigeria

ACC Deputy Commissioner attends conference on whistle-blowing in Abuja-Nigeria

The ACC Deputy Commissioner Shollay Davies is currently in Abuja, Nigeria attending a roundtable Conference on whistle blowing. He is accompanied by the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) Secretariat, Nabillahi Musa Kamara and Deputy Director Support Services, Saidu Dumbuya.

The Conference which commenced on Tuesday 10th March 2015 is aimed at supporting the implementation of the Network of Anti-Corruption Institutions in West Africa (NACIWA) work plans for the development of a regional roadmap for promoting whistle blowing as a tool for enhancing the fight against corruption. Another key objective of the meeting is the organization of the Annual General Assembly (AGA) of NACIWA, which will be held on the margins of the Conference on whistle blowing.

In his presentation on the Sierra Leone country experience, the Deputy Commissioner stated that though there is no single legislation on whistle blowing, yet the Anti-Corruption Act 2008 and the Right to Access Information Act  2014 makes provisions for whistle blower to report corruption, protection of informers, protection of witnesses, protection for assisting the Commission and penalty for false reporting.

Concluding his submission, Mr. Davies emphasized that prior to the 2008 AC Act there were limited reports on corruption, but this has radically improved as a result of the passage of the 2008 AC Act and the Right to Access Information Law. He also spoke about the space given to the media and civil society in reporting corruption and promoting the protection of whistle blowers.  Mr. Davies further revealed plans for the development of a whistle blower protection law in partnership with the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) and other justice sector institutions.

It is very significant that Sierra Leone is represented at this Conference, as it will further strengthen the already existing structures of whistle blowing protection, safety and security as provided for in the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008.

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