VACANCY NOTICE – Chief Executive Officer
The Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA), an official Government Agency created by an Act of Parliament in 2007 and mandated to, among other things, generate and facilitate foreign direct and local investments and to encourage the development of traditional and non-traditional exports, diversification of exports, the establishment of value addition projects, as well as provide support to Small and Medium size Enterprises and existing investors through their aftercare program.
This is all geared towards promoting private sector investments in Sierra Leone and the building of the public private partnership environment. The Investment Promotion Act also makes SLIEPA responsible for offering business services such as facilitating business name registrations, securing incorporation certificates, registration certificates, and license certificates. SLIEPA’s core values are service excellence, accountability and transparency, integrity and high level of commitment and participation.
Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Strategic Function
In collaboration with the chairman and board members to:
- Develop and execute vision and strategy for long-term success of the organization
- Ensure effective, efficient and economic use of human, financial and physical resources
- Engage constructively with other relevant organizations and agencies locally and internationally to promote the goals of SLIEPA
- To promote and enhance the SLIEPA brand and make it internationally recognisable.
Operational Functions
Being the most senior executive of the Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA), the Chief Executive Officer will take on the overall responsibility for the management of the agency as determined by the Board. More specifically,
- To implement the strategic goals and objectives of the organization
- Inform and consult with the Chairperson on all matters of significance so that, the Chairperson and the Board can properly discharge their responsibilities.
- Develop and present to the Board significant operational changes and major capital expenditures where these are beyond his delegated authority
- To give direction and leadership towards the achievement of the organization’s mission, strategy, and its goals and objectives
- Build an effective network with all key stakeholders
- Report to the Board on organizational plans and performance
- Execute the responsibilities of a company director according to lawful and ethical standards
Experience, Knowledge and Skills
- Significant work experience in investment promotion and export development
- Evidence of contributing to effective system of performance monitoring and evaluation
- Familiarity with the management and control of budgets
- Ability to manage people within a formal appraisal structure
- An effective communicator – innovative, creative and forward thinking
- Commitment to equality and diversity
(i) Must hold a first degree in one of the following: Economics, Finance, Business Administration, Agriculture and the social sciences from a recognised University. Postgraduate qualification is desirable.
(ii) Must possess a Masters degree or higher in Business Administration or a relevant field in Business Administration with at least five (5) years of appropriate business experience.
(iii) Must hold not less than 10 years relevant working experience, 5 years of which must have been at Senior Management position in marketing, investment or export related field.
(vi) Must be proficient in the use of MS Office 2013.
(v) The required applicants should be matured and responsible.
Personal Situation
- Ability to work as a team player.
- Enthusiasm to achieve further growth and progress
All applications should be forwarded under confidential cover marked “Application for the position of Chief Executive Officer’ complete with an up-to-date C.V. with photocopies of relevant certificates and names of two (2) referees (non relatives) to the Chairperson, Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA) Board of Directors, 51 Waterloo Street, Freetown.
Closing date for submissions is Monday, 30th June 2014 at 1:00 p.m.
Please note, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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