Obama advises FCC Mayor Bode Gibson
Alhaji Alusine Kargbo aka Obama, the recognized Chairman of Sewa Grounds Market at Victoria Park, has called on the Freetown City Council (FCC) Mayor, Franklyn Bode Gibson not to forget to work with business people in the country if he wants to succeed in his aspiration. He stated that, when the former Mayor of FCC assumed office, he organized a general meeting and invited traders from all 28 market centers in Freetown and exchange privileged conversation with them. Through that interaction, he said the Mayor was able to convince most of the traders to buy local tax, which according to him the current Mayor has never attempted to do.
According to Obama, Mayor Gibson should have been more successful if he considered the great role traders played in generating income for the Council. He emphasized that the past Mayors were successful in administering the affairs of the Freetown Municipality because they were listening to views of the common people.
The Sewa Grounds Chairman urged Mayor Gibson to find suitable time and invite traders from all the business places in Freetown to exchange ideas, thoughts and feelings and for the Mayor to recognize market committees around the Freetown Municipality.
Obama highlighted that the market committees were approved by FCC under the era of Akibo Bets. Why has Bode Gibson neglected this laudable initiative that was put in place by the past Mayors who are perceived by the general public to have done more good work than him,” queried Obama, concluding “I love Mayor Gibson and I always want to hear and see good things happening around him.”
By Abdulai Mento Kamara
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