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SLRTA Commences 4-Day Performance Seminar

SLRTA Commences 4-Day Performance Seminar

To enhance and enforce the Road Safety Policy, the Sierra Leone Road Transport Authority (SLRTA) on Tuesday 7th January 2014 commenced a four-day seminar for its staff on the theme: “System Improvement for Efficient Performance.”  (Photo: SLRTA Executive Director, Dr. Sarah Bendu)

The program, held at the headquarters of the SLRTA on Kissy Road in Freetown, was well-attended by staff from all its substations across the country.

A cross section of participants at the seminar

A cross section of participants at the seminar

The seminar was for the various Directors and Heads of Departments to review their previous work plan, highlight successes, challenges and showcase their plans for the year 2014.

Sama Gamanga, SLRTA Board Secretary, who chaired the opening ceremony, stated that the seminar was a clear demonstration of SLRTA’s commitment to improve its management performance through system improvement stressing that SLRTA needs hardworking, committed, dedicated and corrupt-free staff in order for SLRTA, as a Government agency established by an Act of Parliament in 1996, to regulate and develop the road transport industry.

SLRTA Board Chairman, Professor Harry Turay said the pull-him/her down syndrome that once existed within the institution should not be tolerated any longer because it would hinder the effective performance of any institution, be it Government Ministry, Department or Agency or the private sector.

He further noted that SLRTA is one of the Government parastatals that does not take its budget to Parliament for approval but warned that that does not warrant staff to be inefficient and corrupt.

Professor Harry Turay also encouraged all, especially the Safety and Enforcement Wing (Traffic Wardens) of the SLRTA, to enforce the Road Traffic Regulations impartially and work in line with the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety and President Ernest Bai Koroma’s Agenda for Prosperity by ensuring that road safety is enhanced at all levels to make the country a better place for all.

Professor Turay however stressed the need for mutual respect among staff and customers for the Authority to yield dividends at the end and hence foster efficiency.

“Efficiency is very important that will lead to customer satisfaction and professionalism,” Professor Harry Turay asserted and commended all Heads of stations, departments and staff as well as stakeholders, for a work well done over the years.

SLRTA Executive Director, Dr. Sarah Finda Bendu said as a responsible Authority, they want to improve on their services to meet the demands of customers and recalled that during the previous years, a lot of changes were introduced to enhance the efficient performance of the institution in delivering quality service to its cherished customers and assured that the Authority would continue to improve.

“We want to change people’s negative perception about the SLRTA to that of a positive or favorable one and 2014 is going to be the year of great commitment at SLRTA,” Dr. Sarah Finda Bendu assured.

By Abdul R. Bedor Kamara

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