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ACC ends regional dialogue forum on the development of the national strategy 2014 – 2018

ACC ends regional dialogue forum on the development of the national strategy 2014 – 2018

In a bid to ensuring that the Anti-Corruption Commission National Strategy 2014- 2018 reflects the views of the people of Sierra Leone, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) Secretariat in concert with the Technical Team of Experts has on Wednesday 6th November 2013, concluded a Regional Dialogue Forum on the development of this most important document that will direct and guide the fight against graft in the country.

Welcoming participants who represented all shades of opinion in the region at the Abbati Hall Fatima Campus Makeni, a member of the team and chairperson of the Forum, Mrs. Neneh Daboh implored all to be brutally frank in articulating the issues that should be contained in the Strategy.  Mrs. Daboh furthered that the strategy is a five-year plan and is quite a long period, so citizens had the golden opportunity now to speak out their minds as to the way forward in combating the scourge in the country.

Mr. Mohamed Abu Sesay, a seasoned researcher and member of the team highlighted the various stages the team has designed to come up with the Strategy.  Mr. Sesay stressed that the people needed to be sincere in their approach to fight corruption.  Critically, he disclosed that the new Strategy will manifest itself through ten (10) risk based thematic areas notably; corruption in procurement, anti-corruption policy and institutions, criminal legislations on corruption, integrity of public officials, political corruption, corruption in the business sector and transparency of public administration and access to information.  Mr. Sesay underscored that the development of the Strategy is not about ACC but the people’s inputs, and viewpoints as to how corruption would be effectively tackled in Sierra Leone.

He emphasized that in the 2014 – 2018 NACS, a new vision, mission and value statement would be developed, with a defined niche, knitted within a specific time frame and would be quantified, with smart objectives and key issues to be addressed.  Unlike the 2008-2013 Strategy, the new Strategy Mr. Sesay noted is deemed to be zero-based and not incremental, people driven, risk-based with emphasis on local knowledge and participation while effective mainstreaming will form the basis for its implementation.

Various speakers during the dialogue forum identified poor working conditions as a major cause for corruption. Others viewed it as lack of sincerity on the part of Sierra Leoneans to fight the menace.  Prior to the Regional Forum, Focused Group discussions at district levels had been held in Kambia and Port Loko on the 4th and 5th November, 2013 respectively.

The National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2014-2018 is envisioned to be a people’s driven road map to eradicate systemic corruption in the country.  The views and recommendations from the public will feed into the new Strategy 2014-2018 and will contain Acton Plans for all MDAs, Private Sector, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other Non State Actors.

ACC  Makeni

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