The Enduring Uniqueness in Star Beer
Many of us who had interest in the recent series of attacks on the long and venerated character of one of Sierra Leones finest and locally brewed products-Star Beer, perplexity and confoundedness overtook us due to the alarmist and hysterical approach that was instituted to ensuring that the long earned good-name of the product is brought to the drains.
Everyday, we woke up and looked forward to that the latest on what seemed to be the dying days of the most acclaimed lager beer that suits the tastes of almost all beer drinkers nationwide.
Talking to a lot of people who are resolute and fanatic drinkers of the product, one came to learn that despite what seemed to be a corporate ploy to the bring the long acquired excellent and distinct quality of the product into doom, the product continued to keep it patronage with the people, it fans and lifelong patrons for fair reasons remained undeterred. The said allegations in the first place in the opinion of many were not as plausible as some of the gullible public was made to understand. At the nations premier entertainment centres-nationals and foreigners like were everyday glued to the sparkling taste of the beer each mid-week and the long and enjoying days of the weekend.
Whilst it was claimed that the product was contaminated, the said contamination resulted to no know injury; not to those who still drank the product day after day even when the media brawl on the product’s name took centre stage in the country. The company never recorded a decrease in its sales, per se nor was it that it was stopped from carrying its normal supply of the products nation wide to the ever star-thirsty customers waiting each sundown to be quenched by the smoothness of the product through its characteristic millions and millions of sparkling bubbles.
Since the condoms and said contaminants that kept popping up came from only one source; there was no reason to be afraid of as that alone was convincing enough that such could only amount to industrial and corporate sabotage.
Also, one expected that owing to the wide patronage given to the product nationwide by millions of people on a daily basis, a case of contamination would definitely have resulted into the death, sickness and hospitalization of thousands or millions of star beer drinkers.
No such case ever came up but the show has tuned out to be that more and more people; even in the just concluded weekend savoured the pleasantness and richness that comes from the taste of star beer.
It is surely a good thing to know that a product of such acclaim is able to stand the test of times!    Â
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