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Locals to Benefit from Mabang Bridge Reconstruction

Locals to Benefit from Mabang Bridge Reconstruction

As the Ministry of Works, Housing and Infrastructure has received whopping financial assistance from the Road Funds to construct a new Mabang Bridge after the collapse of the worn out bridge in February this year, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Works, Housing and Infrastructure, Augustine Sheku has assured that people around the work site will hugely benefit not only from the road but also in terms of labour, trade and other means.

Augustine Sheku made this disclosure following the commissioning of the reconstructed Ribbi ferry on Monday 20th May, 2013.

He informed this medium that with the ferry plying within Mosimbara village of Koya, Port Loko District and Masampa village of Ribbi chiefdom, the ministry is making frantic moves to have the bridge restored within the shortest possible time to make movements of vehicles and people easier than it would be with the water route. Sheku maintained that the bidding for the bridge construction project is in progress but could not give account of the cost of the project that is about to be undertaken.

Sheku has made a clarion call for people to desist from throwing garbage into the drains. He noted that in as much as his ministry is trying to ensure that the roads and drains are effectively maintained, defaulters should deviate from such practices and see themselves responsible this time round. He emphasized that these garbage throwing activities lead to the uncontrollable flow of water in the streets, creating water-logs which could affect especially passers-by in the rainy and dry seasons.

The Permanent Secretary informed that the twenty-five Freetown streets they are to reconstruct are almost completed amidst some challenges facing the work like the removal of utilities which he said could take awhile.

By Ilyasa Baa

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