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Koroma’s Government and Corruption

Koroma’s Government and Corruption

Most of what permeates the local press in Sierra Leone for the past week in the apparent lip service of government in the fight against corruption; an issue which the president as head of state has vowed to working very strongly against when he took over the reigns of power not long ago in 2007.

But the issue of corruption is no news to even the ordinary Sierra Leonean why is most media practitioners did appreciate President Koroma’s secret raving on members of cabinet as was capitulated in a somewhat wash-down press release cataloguing the president suspicion of corruption in certain quarters but could with all his avowal of zero tolerance on corruption; make the face to name and shame or even tender a chronicle of such corrupt public servants  or department to the ACC since he already knows what obtains where.

To me, the president is only being economical to the truth and is by far showing lack of total commitment to what was his flagship campaign in the past election and his foremost promise to the people of this country-that he will fight corruption with his last breath.

Whilst the most us were beginning have confidence in the fact that the president is ever so committed in hound the perpetual and seemingly undoable factor of corruption in the country courtesy of few of his make-show and public stunts on corruption; doubts are now being cast as to whether Mr. President is actually serious about this zero tolerance of his on corruption.

What now hovers in one’s mind is one of two things: it is either President Koroma is actually paying lip service to the fight against corruption or the issue is so monumental that he no longer has the gall to continue his hunt to end it all.

It is very much clear this could be very well be the case; for many recent developments on the issue of corruption have succeeded to lay bare the president’s impertinence and lack of commitment to ensuring that corruption becomes history and stops holding our country’s growth and development to ransom.  When the issue of members of the President’s family came up in November last year, the best he could do is keep tight lips on it; taking offence when it was finally put to him rather making any constructive response to the matter. Now again and for whatever reason the president has felt inclined to at best give a private verbal torture on cabinet members for their apparent involvement on corruption which in the opinion on many amounts to zilch in the fight against corruption; further casting shadows on his zero tolerance proclamation.

It is more than clear that of what obtains on the issue of corruption in the country lay in public dispensation and as such the perennial spell of corruption on our country’s growth and development is cast by either statesmen in cabinet or those they call state administrators and professionals known as civil servants.

If with this blatant and obvious gospel truth the president is willing and sincere enough to nip this craze in the sprout, then we must say that  he really does not have to go far like he has already done but must be seen doing more than just asserting that he knows where corruption lies and who is corrupt. One does not have to tell Ernest Koroma what to do in such circumstances for even the dumbest child would know what to do now that he has a chronicle of all those that are going against his zero tolerance declaration.

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