Church Celebrates 3rd Thanksgiving
Faith in the Lord Pentecostal Church, situated at 44 Circular Road, April 14th celebrated its third Annual Thanksgiving Service.
Delivering the sermon on the theme, “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord All Yee Land, Serve the Lord with Gladness, Come into His Presence With Singing,” the Pastor in Charge, Ibrahim Kargbo said it incumbent on all Christians to serve the lord, noting that the service was geared towards giving thanks to the Almighty God for fulfilling one of their topmost goals which is to tile the church. He informed the congregation that a member of the church donated several cartoons of tiles to facelift the church, entreating other members to emulate such an outstanding donor.
“Those who are presently sharing the grace of God are not better than those languishing on the streets, in the hospitals and prisons,” the pastor stated.
By Francis Gberie
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Thanksgiving Joe
Church Celebrates 3rd Thanksgiving: Faith in the Lord Pentecostal Church, situated at 44 Circular Road, April …
17th April 2013