Another Successful Fund Raising Event by the Sierra Leone Arc of Hope hosted in Boston
On Saturday 22 September, 2012, Boston came alive with Sierra Leoneans from many States attending the much talked about event of the year. This fund raising event was planned by Sierra Leone Arc of Hope foundation member Mr. Albert Senesie, and perfectly coordinated by Mr. and Mrs. Temple, Mr. Mohamed Barrie, Mama Africa and other Bostonians. Mr. Barrie, a respected and charismatic leader in the Sierra Leone community in Boston has committed to help with fund-raising for the project. (Photo: Hall décor with Sierra Leone national colors green, white, and blue).
The atmosphere was simply regal and riveting. They left no stone unturned to ensure a perfect evening. The décor of the hall was “stately” in my opinion with a club like ambiance, delicious meals and a DJ that truly took the attendees on a musical journey from the early seventies to the most current numbers of 2012. A truly fantastic night was experienced by all.

The Prestigious Portuguese National Club in Stoughton, Massachusetts – the hall is ready prior to the arrival of guests
To grace the occasion were His Excellency, Ambassador Bockari Stevens and his lovely wife, First Lady, Musu Stevens; Deputy Ambassador Ibrahim Conteh; Chairman of the Board, Dr. John Sandy; Board Member Mrs. Bernadette Kamara; and President of Save Sierra Leone Foundation Patricia Omo Thorpe. The ever constant foundation members and avid supporters from Texas, Juliana and Sheik Dabor once more flew from Texas to support a cause they strongly believe in.
Mr. Senesie introduced the two beautiful MCs for the evening, Mrs. Claudia Temple who reside in the Boston Metropolis, and Mrs. Juliana Dabor from Texas. They in turn introduced the Chairman Dr. John Sandy who took us all on a visual projector tour of the Arc of Hope’s mission and the turning of the sod ceremony that took place in Sierra Leone last year. Thousands of Sierra Leoneans attended the event last year including the Vice President, Sierra Leone’s First Lady, some Honorable Ministers and Members of Parliament, some members of the diplomatic corps, and other distinguished dignitaries.
Ambassador Stevens not only welcomed and thanked all in attendance, he relayed a message to Sierra Leoneans that the State of the Art Hospital project was for all Sierra Leonean Children and Sierra Leonean mothers. He urged Sierra Leoneans to be united in this effort, and come together to help address the challenges faced by Sierra Leone. He pledged his eternal support to all groups, individuals, and religious entities that are determined to re-brand and uplift Sierra Leone to its height of fame. With sincerity in his voice he vowed that all donations to the Sierra Leone Arc of Hope will be spent to build the hospital.
Ambassador Stevens recognized other non Sierra Leoneans in the audience and stated that as much as we need their help, Sierra Leoneans must own this project and be proud to support it. Ambassador Stevens also stated that every man, woman, and individual that contributes to this hospital project will have their names etched in a solid stone plaque legacy for the world to see. Please contribute generously to this project by sending your donations to the Sierra Leone Arc of Hope, c\o Dr. John Sandy, 1514 December Drive, #303, Silver Spring, MD 20904.
Dr. Sandy highlighted some of Sierra Leone Arc of Hope’s successes which included the 10 acre land in the Waterloo area along the Freetown/MaSiaka Highway. The first phase of construction, securing the perimeter, by erecting pillars and concrete walls to demarcate the plot in now underway. He acknowledged the commitment and dedication of members including Ms. Nanette Thomas in Sierra Leone, Retired Colonel Lansana Turay, Dr. Marion Koso-Thomas, Mr. Daniel Koroma, Lyndon B Johnson, Dr. Frank Barnet, Mr. Victor Tarmoh, Mrs. Rasie Kargbo, and thanked other partners like Save Sierra Leone Foundation, Koya Progressive Union, and the WADA. Funds from this fourth annual fund raising event will help continue the fencing that is taking place right now to demarcate the land. Dr. Sandy is asking Sierra Leoneans from all over the states to see this as a national effort and bring forward ideas as to how we can all get this work done.
MCs Claudia Temple and Mrs. Juliana Dabor, both nursing professionals committed their services and urged all the Sierra Leone women nurses and non-nurses to help build the hospital.
Mr. Albert Senessie in his closing remarks said Boston will repeat this event in March 2013.
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