Elections Postponed Again… Delegates Issue 14 Days Ultimatum
Elective Congress which was to be held on the 15th and 16th September 2012 at the Sierra Leone Police Mess, Kingtom, has been put on hold again by the visiting FIFA representative, Mr. Primo.
The election which was supposed to be held in July this year in Kailahun has been postponed on several occasions by the FA and most stakeholders have described it as a strategy to rig the election.
On Saturday September 15th 2012, FIFA official, Mr. Primo told delegates that the elective congress is postponed until after the November 17th General Election and that there should be a Normalization Committee to run the affairs of football in the country.
Such pronouncement made by the FIFA representative angered the football delegates drawn from across the country that were present at the Football Academy at Kingtom.
The delegates protested that Primo has backed the Sports Minister’s Normalization Initiative which they referred to as political interference and have issued a 14 day ultimatum to hold election.
The 33 delegates out of the 47 delegates signed a six point resolution that:-
- They continue to recognize the current executive committee, the electoral board and the appeals board of the S.L.F.A.
- We are opposed to the formation of any Normalization Committee as an interim measure since it will be an endorsement of the dictates of the Minister of Sports.
- That the acting General Secretary be relieved of his responsibilities with immediate effect.
- That the electoral committee continues its work and arrangements for elections to take place within 14 days.
- That we condemn any form of government’s political interference into the activities of the SLFA Particularly the elections of members of the executive committee.
- That if FIFA decides to ignore our concerns and fails to adhere to our resolutions, we shall stay away from all forms of football activities/competitions until FIFA respond favorably to our resolutions.
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