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Reprisal drives Alusine Fengai Kamanda away

Reprisal drives Alusine Fengai Kamanda away

Sierra Leonean born Alusine Fengai Kamanda (in photo) of Bungudu village, Sandor Chiefdom in Kono district has been declared wanted by a traditional society call Poroh. Investigations carried out reveal that Alusine Fengai Kamanda being the only son of the village Chief Komba Kamanda seen captured in the well of problems with a  solution very difficult to come by. Indisputable sources are that the father of Alusine Kamanda is the head of the village’s traditional society and he wants his only son to step in his shoes as a result of two months of serious illness after society leaders have declared him not fit the position.

Another accusation is that Alusine has deliberately attempted to burn the society bush which according to leaders of the village is a serious offense and the only remedy is to be a member of the said society.

Youths of Bungadu village said the burning of the society bush was never intentional, but facts are that the village chief farm yard stands very close to the society bush and during the cause  of setting fire on his father’s farm mistakenly transferred to the society bush.

A confirmed source revealed that since Alusine was a boy, his father the village chief has cut off the left finger as promised that he will succeed him after his death or other reason.

The left finger traditionally stands as a bond regardless if the individual is willing or not. It is as a result of the pressure from society members in that part of the country that prompted the 32 years old to escape from his country since April of this year and still remains unallocated to-date.

During the 1980’s, traditions like such were held in high esteem but with the advent of Human Rights Laws many youths  have started to disassociate themselves from such practices they now describe as harmful. Many youths who spoke to this medium described the initiation as cruel and that sometimes resulted in the of life or permanent deformity.

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