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Dauda Mansaray aspires for Constituency 93

Dauda Mansaray aspires for Constituency 93

Over the years, great admirers and initiators of goodwill, have demonstrated great ability and strength to build what is today the new Goderich highways and communities across the Sixty Mile Road around the peninsular. All of these fine honorable men and women have not only exemplified themselves in pushing for socio-economic justice and Infrastructural development for the Goderich-Peninsular community and have left indelible marks on the lives of many.

One individual whose leadership and community dedication have been a benefit to the public at large is Mr. Dauda Mansaray, as he exemplified himself in many ways that he is someone who can carry the legacy of those great individuals, and at the same time he is able to preserve the gains made for deserving youths and individuals alike for the common good of the community and generations to come.

Today, after years of faithful commitment to the people of his childhood home and even beyond, Mr. Dauda Mansaray is declaring his intention to contest under the distinguished banner of the ruling All People’s Congress Party (APC), in Constituency 93, in the Peninsular District of the Western Area of Freetown, as the constituency’s parliamentary candidate.

Mr. Dauda Jawara Mansaray, a son of the soil of Peninsular, was born in Mile 13 Village-Guma Valley, in the York District. He attended Sussex Rural Primary, in the heart of the constituency he is aspiring for. He proceeded to the Albert Academy where he received his secondary education.

Mr. Dauda J  Mansaray holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Caldwell College, Caldwell, New Jersey, USA and is a firm believer of American principles and the idea of hard work, a good work ethic, and upholding the rule of law.

Mr. Mansaray has been preparing and is ready to work hand-in-glove with his people in the constituency once he receives the green light from the ruling APC under the guardianship of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone and Leader of the party, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, the hard-working APC re-election team, and the electorate of Constituency 93.

He firmly believes that the people of Constituency 93 want to be able to compete and therefore need a very dynamic, vigilant, respectful, God-fearing, people-loving, performance-goal and result-oriented, hardworking, resourceful, determined, progressive, and dedicated Parliamentary Representative. He also believes that with him at the helm representing the people, he will do whatever it takes to ensure total stability and work hand in hand with all stakeholders to move the communities forward to the highest deserving height.

For the most part, Constituency 93 which houses the Guma Valley Water Company, has been the major source of water supply to Freetown and its environs, and is also the home and largest supplier of vital construction industry material (sand), finest beaches of acres of virgin land that await development, plus seaside that awaits investment in the tourism and fishing industries.

Mr. Dauda J. Mansaray arrived in Freetown from Somerset, New Jersey, USA on February 17, 2012 to a hero’s welcome from a cross section of the people of Constituency 93, and has since visited with several headmen and elders in the region and has never once stopped being part of his place of birth as is evident and is always ready to engage and challenge youths and the less fortunate to development, educational, entertainment, and social projects in the constituency.

The past seven years, under Mr. Dauda J. Mansaray’s guidance, direction and supervision, toilets and taps have been built in the Goderich and Mecheam communities. Sponsorship of school children in the pursuit of education has been, and still is, in progress, as is the promotion of school athletics meetings in the constituencies -renowned Sengbeh Pie Junior, Middle and High School, York Primary and Secondary schools School, Borbor Pain Primary School, Lakka Primary School, Ogoo Farm Primary School, Sussex Primary School, among others.

Mr. Mansaray is currently constructing a much needed community center which is presently in progress at Mile 13 Village, while plans are in place to donate two ambulances to the Hospital and Health Centers that will serve the constituency.

Mr. Mansaray’s health consciousness for his rural community has been a major motivating factor to donate large amounts of assorted medication to the community through its hospital and health centers.

Mr. Dauda J. Mansaray also at the same time the past two years has bought and sold rice at a break-even price which provided relief for families in his constituency.

The hard working yet humble to serve Mr. Dauda Jawara Mansaray has been and is still very active in the social welfare of Constituency 93 (former York District), participating in almost all that goes on in the community.

In that regard Mr. Dauda J. Mansaray donated a wide-screen plasma television for the Goderich Community center, a projector, generator, surround sound system for the Tokeh Community Center, an idea Mr. Mansaray intends to replicate in community centers across the constituency.

Mr. Jawara Mansaray has also on two occasions donated 14 sets of soccer uniforms (kits) for teams participating in Peninsula just a few months ago. One Mr. Basie Bangura, a senior community leader, said that with the kind of effort and cooperation the community is getting from Mr. Jawara-Mansaray he sees no reason why Mr. Jawara Mansaray should not be given a fair chance to represent the constituency in the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

 He added that his efforts in promoting social, educational, and entertainment aspects of the community has meant a world of difference to all those who have come in contact with him whether in his constituency or in the United States of America.

Another, woman in Goderich when asked of Mr. Dauda Jawara Mansaray to represent them in parliament, said as far as the people in the constituency, Mr.  Dauda Mansaray will be the next person to represent them and she sees no reason why the APC party will not give the symbol to someone that fits that profile of a perfect candidate. She added that the APC party, Parliament, and the country as a whole, needs someone whose representation and purpose is one that will sit well with the President’s Agenda for Change initiative.

At the same token, the youths at the Borbor Pain Primary School thanked his Excellency President Ernest Bai Koroma and the able team to re-elect the party to victory in the up-coming Presidential and Parliamentary elections scheduled to be held in November.

At the Ahmadiyya Primary School, the peninsula people sent a very strong message to his Excellency and all APC stakeholders that this time around they will support and vote for Mr. Dauda Jawara Mansaray because he is a true son of the soil and he is a true development-orientated individual.

The investigations and interview continued with two older couples at Ogu Farm.  They made it crystal clear that this is about the candidacy of a man who cuts across party lines in his community in New Jersey, USA and what the people of Constituency 93 see in Mr. Dauda Mansaray is someone who will faithfully follow the leadership of his Excellency the President of Sierra Leone.

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