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HomePoliticsKonos told to close ranks, farmers empowered

Konos told to close ranks, farmers empowered

Konos told to close ranks, farmers empowered

The Leader, Chairman and presidential candidate of the ruling All Peoples Congress (APC), President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma has Thursday 3rd May 2012 made his final appeal to the sons and daughters of Kono to mend fences, work and speak with one voice.

He made the final plea following the presentation of agricultural and farming implements to the Kono District Council at the Koidu New Senbehun Town Field, the enhancement of agricultural productivity in the district.

President Koroma sounded the tone of caution with believes that this is the time for Kono to hold fast on to the opportunity at her disposal; saying “Kono can’t get any better moment that now”, therefore encouraged all citizens of the district to close ranks.

“Don’t allow this golden opportunity to slip off your fingers and I want the people to know that I am making my final appeal to Kono”, he warned and added; “I want Kono to work together not for Ernest Bai Koroma, but for the people of Kono. Kono is bigger than you all. I want to appeal to the youths, Vice President Alhaji Samuel Sam Sumana, the First Lady, the ambassador and the academicians to work together”, he reiterated.

Handing over farming tools to the district council as a huge boost to the country’s agricultural sector, President said; I am handing over agricultural development assets to farmers to enable them transform themselves from subsistent to commercial farming. These assets the Head of State said are meant to be judiciously utilized by the councils to construct and repair feeder roads in Kono, and to fast farming and agriculture and food productivity in the district.

“We as a government want agriculture to be a real business so that our people can take care of themselves through farming”, he opined and expressed hope that Kono people would benefit from the assets provided by government.

Among assets handed over to the Kono District by President Koroma were 33 power tillers, 3 big rice millers, 18 mini-rice millers 15 rice cutters, 3 rice reapers,10 cassava graters, 13 rice de-stoners, 23 rice thrashers, 15 brick making machines, 15 ICT equipment, 8 solar panels, 15 agricultural business centres, 10 rice processing centres, 1 youth centre, 4 grain stores, 5 coffee haulers 3 oil palm pressers, 12 ward committee centres and 271 km feeder roads, to the tune of Le. 7,887,005

On road infrastructural development, President Koroma said rains or not, works will commence on the Koidu- Matotoka to connect the district with the rest of the country. “We are not a government of intention but action and it is not a fake project. So, the Ministers of Works Housing and Infrastructure and Finance and Economic Development have been instructed to fast track civil works on the Koidu-Matotoka road”, he said.

He disclosed that a six megawatts thermal plats is awaiting to be installed for regular power supply to the city and its environment immediately after the roads shall have been fully tarred, adding that $30m have been secured by government for the provision of  safe drinking waters to the community.

President Koroma observed that leaders of certain political parties are roaming the country with lies and false intentions, promises to build people of Kono 3,000 houses which never materialised, not to talk of offering a single bag of cement to the people.

“They would have at least faked the people with some makeshift houses”, he remarked.

Speaking on behalf of the traditional leaders, Paramount Chief Sahr Quee called for peace between the sons and daughters of Kono noting; “we have settled matters and got tired and as chiefs, have resolved”. PC Quee said President Koroma has done a lot but there are certain people who are still focused on fighting adding; “we believe in the leadership of President Koroma.

The Kono District Chairman Councillor Diana Konomanyi debunked lies that Kono has recently taken over by the opposition Sierra Leone Peoples Party. Kono, she reassured, is always APC and will remain APC forever.

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