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Disable International boss speaks on Lantern Parade

Disable International boss speaks on Lantern Parade

The independence anniversary celebrations were a watershed event for members of the disabled community in Sierra Leone as they showcased for the first time a lantern they carved on their own. It could be recalled that in the years gone by, persons with disabilities are hardly partaking in the lantern parade fanfare due to their inabilities to cope with the tight crowds.

The physically challenged participated this year in grand style. They carved their icon figure Imambay Kadie Kamara, the Executive Director of Disable International Foundation Sierra Leone. Reasons for such handy work, according to the builder was borne out of the consideration that it take only she to have considered the plights of the disabled and tries to build a fortress on her own to make sure she changes their predicaments

“Imambay Kadie Kamara  has invested millions of Leones on established projects for the disabled.  Out of her purse she bought several pieces of land for the construction of houses and recreational centres for the disabled that cuts eyes across the country,” the builder stated.

Speaking to Sierra Express, Imambay Kadie Kamara said she was delighted seeing the physically challenged persons partake in the country’s 51st, independence anniversary celebrations.

She said it was a novelty for her to be able to motivate the physically challenged and engender for them an inclusive environment wherein they shared and enjoyed their full spirit of belonging to the culture of Sierra Leone as the event itself created an opportunity for freedom of association. She  noted that she felt human to assuage the suffering of persons with disabilities as they too are humans in the same society.

The lantern showcased how relevant persons with disabilities are in terms of democratic and social life. She was carved standing at the nerve centre of society educating the physically challenged on the franchise right and how they should partake in the electoral processes in the country. Kadie Kamara immunes a sense of no discrimination for the physically challenged persons as she disclosed plans of forging ahead to mastermind legislations for the emancipation of the rights of the disabled persons in the country and the sub-region.

Asked what she is doing towards building the capacity of the disabled persons, she said she believes in education and that is the legacy she says she is working towards bequeathing them.

She called on the Sierra Leonean populace to place persons with disabilities in special safes considering the fact that that status of being is pathetic.

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