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NACS ends training with MDAs and Civil Society monitors in the north

NACS ends training with MDAs and Civil Society monitors in the north

As the implementation of the revised National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) 2011-2013 is in the offing, the NACS Secretariat of the ACC has on Thursday 5th April, 2012 concluded two day training with MDAs and Civil Society Monitors at the Commission’s Conference Hall, Mena Hills, Makeni.

Speaking at the commencement of the training, the Public Education Officer North, Fatmata Finda Bangura on behalf of the Commissioner Mr. Joseph F. Kamara Esq. and the Commission’s staff warmly welcomed the participants and assured them of a happy stay at the office.  Mrs. Bangura implored all present to treat the fight against corruption seriously in the bid to contributing meaningfully to the development of Sierra Leone.  Concluding, the Public Education Officer emphasized the need for collaboration and partnership with the MDAs which was central to the meeting.

In his opening remarks, the Regional Manager North, Patrick Sandi stressed on the crucial role Heads and representatives of MDAs at the training could play to ensuring the successful implementation of the revised strategy.  Manager Sandi dilated on the three-pronged approach used by the Commission to fight corruption namely; education, prevention and enforcement, making clear mention of the NACs strategy as an important prevention mechanism in addressing the opportunities of corruption that exist within the systems of ministries, departments and agencies.

Mr. Sandi highlighted the five (5) strategic principles of the revised strategy, as one, the comprehensive approach to the process of reform, zero tolerance to corruption, the use of multiple measures to fight graft, partnership and the adherence to the rule of law.  The Regional Manager maintained that the ACC is leading the fight with the mandate to take all steps necessary for the prevention, suppression and eradication of corruption.  Therefore, it was expected of all MDAs to promote and enhance transparency and accountability in their workplaces.  Mr. Sandi furthered that the workshop was challenging as it demanded new resolve and commitment on the part of the MDAs to making Sierra Leone a corrupt free nation.  “Today let us feel as patriotically charting another good path for the development of our country.  Consequently, it behoves all to put into the process all energies, strengths and efforts”, Manager emphasized.

Speaking on the Revised Strategy, NACS Director Mr. Nabillahi Musa- Kamara underscored the point that MDAs were very strategic to the governance structure of Sierra Leone.  He said, it was the business of Government to formulate policies, but implementation was the responsibility of the MDAs.  The Director stressed that the implementation process was the business of all and is only being coordinated by the Commissioner and the NACS Secretariat.

Monitoring of the revised strategy, the Director emphasized will start 2nd quarter of 2012 and was expecting all MDAs at the time to have put their houses in order.  Mr. Musa-Kamara spoke on the monitoring process that it will comprise civil society monitors, supported by the monitoring and compliance team of the ACC, as the ACC was expecting the monitoring and its outcome/reports to be independent.

The Director further said, the ACC was doing its best to fight corruption in the country, though it had come under serious vilification.  These challenges the Director revealed will not dampen the efforts and the commitment of the Commission to eliminating corruption in Sierra Leone.  Concluding, Director Kamara told participants that the monitoring reports were not going to be report cards explaining that corruption does not exist in the said institution, but were geared towards showing the commitment and determination of MDAs to deal with the identified key corruption issues prevailing at that time in their entities.

Contributing, the NACS Coordinating Officer David Bayoh spoke on the formation of the Integrity Management Committee which is one of the unique features of the revised strategy.

A PowerPoint presentation on the NACS implementation matrix was made by David Bayoh which added great value to the training.

Significantly, questions, contributions, comments and clarifications climaxed the training.

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