Pujehun security forces wed ABC concept
To end their district level sensitization tour in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone, the Attitudinal and Behavioural Change (ABC) Secretariat on Thursday March 8, 2012 courted security forces attached to Pujehun District to comprehend the repercussions of practiced immoral deeds on their personal selves, institutional statuses and national development in particular. (Photo: Executive Director handing over the MOU to the Pujehun LUC)
The ABC Secretariat’s awareness creation venture left the police officers and military personnel with no option, but to wholeheartedly tie the knot with the ABC Concept that was promulgated by President Ernest Bai Koroma upon assuming office about four years ago.
These security officers made this ‘Till Death Do Us Part’ vow after they received convincing lectures from the Executive Director and National Coordinator and Second-in-Command of the ABC Secretariat, Dr. Ivan Ajibola Thomas and Madam Nanette Thomas respectively.
Force For Good?
At the Pujehun Town Police Station Dr. Ajibola Thomas cautioned the officers to be mindful of their role in the dispensation of justice and state security. He queried as to whether the police officers are conforming to manners that are supposed to warrant the civil populace to consider them as a Force For Good. Dr. Thomas affirmed that although there are good police officers most of them, especially those in the Traffic Division, put up negative behaviours that have cost the institution its former reputation. Among these odd manners he mentioned the extortion of monies from law breakers more so drivers and bike riders. He called on them to desist from these unprofessional ways of exercising their duties. The Executive Director of ABC Secretariat urged them to improve on their educational standards which he assured will earn them promotions and consequently better opportunities.
Speaking to the officers the National Coordinator and Second-in-Command of ABC Secretariat, Madam Nanette Thomas admonished them to be upright in their work. She took time to educate them on how bad attitudes and behaviours of most officers have helped criminals off the hook of the judiciary. She claimed that these bad manners are entrenched because plenty officers fail to manage their five pillars of attraction- finances, relationships, environments, spiritualities and health- poorly. Madam Thomas said for the officers to benefit from their occupation and enjoy a long stay on earth they should work on these five pillars of attraction. She challenged them that if they put up positive attitudes and behaviours the public will respect and have value for their institution. She concluded by warning the officers to be apolitical before, during, and after the forthcoming elections.
Responding the Local Unit Commander of the Pujehun Town Police Station, Superintendent S.Y.Senesi thanked the Secretariat for sensitizing them and called on the junior officers to heed to the advice and warnings the ABC Secretariat have taken their time to give them.
Blessing For Soldiers’ Wives
The wives of soldiers attached to the 14 Infantry Battalion beamed with smiles when the top executives of the ABC Secretariat rapped their husbands to stop physically and sexually abusing them. The wives confessed that their lives have been under constant intimidations from their husbands who normally fail to provide them the love and care they duly deserve.
Substantiating the women’s plight the Brigade Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Kelly .F. Kamara termed the Secretariat sensitization as a blessing for the soldiers’ wives and called on the ABC Secretariat to be continually visiting his battalion. He guaranteed that the Secretariat’s sensitization will assist his ill mannered soldiers to start behaving positively.
In his lecture Dr. Thomas called on the soldiers to be courageous, understanding and patient as according to him their profession is one were lives are laid down to defend the country’s territorial integrity. He encouraged them to be ethical while addressing issues, especially in their homes. He maintained that if soldiers do not refrain from violently attacking and insulting their wives their children are bound to copy these wrong manners.
Making her points Madam Thomas condemned the soldiers for abusing their wives and young girls within that locality. She explained that these odd acts are criminal and urged the women present to contact her office any time a male soldier commit an offence on assault. In her view the women ought to be properly cared for since they provide greatly to the soldiers’ moral and happiness.
She frowned on the use of drugs within the brigade which she said does not only cause violence among soldiers and their spouses, but their comrades as well. Apart from igniting violence, Madam Thomas said drug abuse prompt the misuse of income and destroy lives equally. She wronged military personnel that are in the habit of borrowing their uniforms and weapons to hardcore criminals and maintained that this act is unpatriotic. She strictly warned soldiers to be apolitical since party politics is not meant for them. Madam Thomas also thanked the soldiers for their role as international peace keepers and encouraged them to continue with the good work.
By Momoja Lappia
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