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APC-NA fundraising dance to re-elect President Koroma was a big success

APC-NA fundraising dance to re-elect President Koroma was a big success

“The saying that what the Almighty God has blessed will continue to prosper in spite of impediments from detractors and evil forces,” came to reality when throngs of invitees assembled in the hall of the APC-NA Fundraising Dance on Saturday March 3, 2012. The long awaited APC-NA Fundraising Campaign Dance took place at 6621-A Electronics Drive, Springfield, Virginia. The program commenced with Christian prayers offered by Pastor Lovell, APC-NA Compliance Officer and Muslim prayers offered by Mr. Abdul Sesay, President, APC Boston and Massachusetts Chapter.    The program was graced by APC Chapters from North America, dignitaries from different organizations, friends, relatives and well wishers.    Also present at the fundraising dance were representatives of the SLPP and PMDC parties.  (Photo: Attendees dancing to the melodious music)

The Fundraising dance started with melodious music provided by DJ Desmond Lewis that sent the audience dancing and shaking uncontrollably with excitement and joy.  Before the Fundraising Dance could start officially, Mr. Samuel Dillito, Assistant Secretary General of the APC-NA introduced the MC for the program; Mr. Patrick Kamara, a man whom he said has been in the vanguard for the APC since the 70s and well acquainted with President Ernest Koroma from school days.

In making a brief remarks, Mr. Patrick Kamara said that we are all gathered here to raise funds in assisting President Koroma to be re-elected the second time in office.  He outlined the many successes the President has achieved since he came to office in 2007.  Mr. Kamara specifically mentioned the areas of infrastructural development like paved roads in most districts and major highways in Sierra Leone, free health-care for lactating mothers, pregnant women and children under five years of age, the coming of the railway and mining sectors in Sierra Leone, the restoration of energy in the city and curbing of corrupt practices among government through the vigilance of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) among others.  With all these achievements within a short period of time it is incumbent upon Sierra Leoneans, Mr. Kamara stressed to re-elect President Koroma for the second term so that he will continue with his spate of development.

Dr. Chris Egbulem, Chief Patron

Also making remarks in the fundraising program was Grand Chief Patron, Dr. Chris N. Egbulem, President and CEO of the Africa International Organization who is playing a pivotal role in helping in the development of the health sector in Sierra Leone.   Dr. Egbulem said beside being married to a beautiful Sierra Leonean, he has been to Sierra Leone on many occasion and has seen the development which President Koroma is initiating in the country.  He said he is impressed for a country that is recovering from the scourges of war to rapidly move in development through the initiative of President Ernest Koroma.   As way of contributing to the development of Sierra Leone, Dr. Egbulem said his Africa International Organization has identified six hospitals in Sierra Leone that will benefit from medical equipments that will directly come from manufacturers in the United States.  In conclusion, Dr. Egbulem said, one of his retired staff who is professional pharmacist is presently involved in coordinating the training of Sierra Leonean pharmacists in Nigeria and more development in the health sector of Sierra Leone will be realized through Africa International Organization.

Honorable Dauda T. Bangura, Fundraising Ambassador of the APC also spoke in the Program.  He said the success of any political party is based on money; he displayed a check of $2,000 that was donated by Mr. Yusuf Yansaneh for the fundraising program for the re-election of President Koroma. Mr. Bangura urged members to be vigilant and supportive of the party financially and morally so that we will ensure the re-election of President Koroma the second term in office.

Guests at the program

Giving the keynote address for this grand fundraising occasion was Mr. Aziz Turay, Chairman of the APC-NA branch.  Mr. Aziz welcomed attendees of the program including members of the SLPP and PMDC who honored APC-NA invitation.  Mr. Aziz Turay reacted jokingly to the statement of the SLPP representative in the fundraising program that the development programs which President Ernest Koroma is implementing was planned by the SLPP.  In his reaction, Chairman Aziz said while developmental programs were planned by the SLPP but the realization and actualization of these programs were implemented by the APC under the leadership of our dynamic President Ernest Koroma.  Therefore, credit should be given to him because he “walks the walk”.   Chairman Aziz, outlined the numerous developments programs President Koroma has achieved within a short period of time, he called on all progressive Sierra Leoneans to vote for the President Koroma so that he will be re-elected for the second term.  Chairman Aziz also thanks the executives of APC-NA for been supportive and working assiduously for the re-election of President Koroma.  As a means of ensuring transparency and accountability in the November elections, Chairman Aziz said the APC-NA has purchased 14 laptop computers to be sent to each district in Sierra Leone so that data from the conduct of the elections will be stored.  The computers were displayed openly to the audience which followed a loud applause.

The program was climaxed at 3:00 AM by dancing and rejoicing with melodious music provided by DJ Desmond Lewis.

By Joseph S. Sherman, APC WMC Assistant PRO

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