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ACC empowers students and instructors of SLOIC in Makeni

ACC empowers students and instructors of SLOIC in Makeni

The Anti-Corruption Commission in its resolve and commitment to educate the public on the downside of corruption and enlist the masses in the anti-graft crusade, on Friday 10th February, 2012 empowered students and Instructors of the Sierra Leone Opportunity Industrialization Centre (SLOIC) to fight corruption in Sierra Leone.

Speaking at a sensitization meeting at their Teko Road campus in Makeni, ACC’s Bombali District Coordinator, Raymond Alieu Kamara underscored the importance of such engagements with the Centre.  Mr. Kamara noted that, the ACC was at the Centre to educate all on the vices of corruption and the need for all Sierra Leoneans to join the ACC fight corruption.  The Coordinator remarked that the public had shown so much concern in the activities of the Centre, making it good for the ACC to make its presence felt on the campus.  ACC is not witch-hunting anybody Mr. Kamara emphasized.  But that it will do all within its mandate to bring defaulters to book he concluded.

Manager Patrick Sandi making his presentation

Dilating on the operations of the Commission and offences, the ACC Regional Manager North, Mr. Patrick Sandi implored his audience to take ACC as an important wheel that will bring a turn around to the economy of Sierra Leone.  Manager Sandi underscored the point that ACC is capacitated to deal decisively with corruption issues in the country.  He highlighted some of the corrupt offences in the AC Act 2008 and emphasized that when you are found guilty on any, the penalty is a fine of not less than Le 30,000,000 or imprisonment of not less than three (3) years. Sandi further said that the students after graduation should not also be involved in corrupt practices as private-public sector relationship was breeding corruption.  The Manager reminded his listeners of some corrupt offences such as “conflict of interest’, soliciting and accepting advantage’, corrupt transaction with agents and gifts’.  Mr. Sandi concluded that the ACC was the people’s institution and as such all should support it in combating the menace.

Finda Bangura explaining how to report to the ACX

Public Education Officer, North, Mrs. Finda Bangura explained the reasons why people should report to the ACC.  That it will expose corrupt individuals and will also provide information to the ACC to act upon.  Mrs. Bangura told her audience that there is protection for informants and whistle-blowers and as such people should not hesitate to report suspected incidences of corruption to the ACC.  The Public Education Officer read out the ACC hotlines to the students and instructors.

Principal OIC Makeni - Mr Lamin P Sellu pledging his center's support to the ACC

In his remarks, SLOIC Head of Campus, Mr. Lamin Patrick Sellu opined that SLOIC is an institution that caters for middle level manpower and therefore targets youths of both sexes.  Mr. Sellu furthered that, his institution was making maximum efforts to help the youths in becoming self reliant after their training.  The centre, the Head maintained was geared towards helping a category of Sierra Leoneans to achieve their dreams by using the skills and knowledge gained for the benefit of the country.  Courses, such as metal works, auto-mechanic, home management, electricity among others are studied at the centre.  In concluding, the Principal thanked the ACC for the move taken to talk to the students and school authorities.  He said it is a laudable venture and encouraged the ACC staff to be making periodic visits to his institution to enlighten them on the work of the Commission. Mr. Sellu registered his institution’s commitment to the fight against corruption and that the Centre will support the Commission at all times.  The Principal pleaded with his colleagues and students to refrain from all forms of corrupt practices as they are inimical to development, thus not in the good interest of Sierra Leone.  He assured the ACC that he will strive to be on top of corruption but if he is found wanting at any time, let him go to jail. Ninety Three (93) people including students and instructors attended the meeting.

Cross section of the students listening to ACC staff

Questions and answers formed the high point of the meeting as a senior student Josephus Tiffa gave the vote of thanks.

ACC Makeni

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