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Mr. Idiot: Poverty… pray oh yee, Mother Salone

Mr. Idiot: Poverty… pray oh yee, Mother Salone

Again, and just as father Christmas tells of his disappointments to the smart, but senseless Idiot of a type, so also has the Holy Father (our their Lord Jesus), in a dream, sent a message to… questioning the powers that be on reasons bordering on poverty in Sierra Leone.  (Photo: Ibrahim Samura, editor)

But guess what! In the Idiot’s heavenly dream, it was revealed that all (politicians of today) have built mansions at lucrative communities with monies owned and belonging to the tax payers.

And in case you missed your point, he was told that the highly praised Reverend Father, Yours (not mine) Lordship, Mayor Herbert Williams of the Freetown City Council has built mansions at sites unknown to all, but known to the Idiot his friend.

Like he told you the last time, indeed the Idiot is close friend of the suspended and charged Mayor of Freetown.

The two of them read law in the same year at Fourah Bay College even though he failed to make to the bar.

Sorry sir, I mean you, Mr. Finance Minister. It was disclosed in a dream to the Idiot that you bogusly told Sierra Leoneans in your justly read budget that all is well; good roads all over, light- nonstop 2-4-7 and agriculture- success all the way.

So, tell me sir, are Sierra Leoneans be made to buy a bag of rice at Le 20.000 in the new year as was promised by some overexcited politicians during periods of election campaigns in 2007?

This reminds the Idiot of the Guinean rice. It’s almost coming to four months when the Minister of Political Affairs, A-LIE G Alpha Kanu told Sierra Leoneans that with just a ‘President to President talk’ Guinea has, on loan, gave 2000 tons of rice to his Sierra Leone to be sold at a more cheaper price to hungry Sierra Leoneans.

 Better still the Idiot has not relied on the boku lie lie talks of a man who says his government ‘the A- Pussy- Cat’ party is best of bests.

And for your information though, Mrs. Idiot- I mean Mr. Idiot’s wife has disappeared from home because his husband had told her he will buy 20 bags of the Guinean rice, but never did.

No wonder nevertheless that homes in Freetown and some parts in the provinces have had ‘coss coss’ quarrels owing to emptiness of stomaches.

The Idiot will dare not reveal dream sent to him, but keep same till we meet again.

And until we meet again, allow the Idiot tell all (Salone Pipul) to pray for mother Sierra Leone!

And if we also did not meet again, the Reverend father, His-not mine-Lordship, Mayor Herbert Williams will be asked to step in the shoe of Mr. Idiot’s and pray for Sierra Leone.

Of course, Di Obai is all set for 2012, rain or shine. Tell it to him that Idiot congratulates him in his recent squash victory.

That the Idiot was told that he was as energetic as a man who’s got US$40 million offshore Sierra Leone.

Unbelievable though! The Idiot is virtually not convinced millionaires in dollars play squash too good.

Don’t also doubt what the Idiot says nevertheless. As an Idiot, he at most times pictured things and says them senselessly.

This year’s end time has shown disappointments and failures to the senseless Idiot. In fact, he has asked his friend (Mayor Williams) give him his cut of the billions those anti enemies of state corruption commission officials say he swindles from coffers of the Freetown City Council.

Even the Idiot ponders over allegations made against his friend. Who knows Mayor Williams know him as a good, honest and intelligent gentleman.

Anyway, don’t waste your time bro, victory is at your door! Tell them monies they said you swindle ‘nar buffcase en bufftalk.’  

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